Yemen is NOT a friend of Somalia (stating the obvious).

Somalia and Yemen have had a long standing relationship with each other for centuries. When the Walashma sultans were forced to flee they sought refuge in Yemen to recover their power and Yemenis in turn fought alongside Somalis against Ethiopia. Somalis used to live in significant numbers in some Yemeni towns like Aden and Mocha and likewise Yemenis visited northern Somalia for business or religious reasons. During the 20th and 21st century, when either countries broke down at different points, the other offered sanctuary and refuge for migrants. Does that sound like an enemy to you? Why should minor Cold War politics overshadow hundreds of years of positive trade relationship and close Islamic ties? Both Somalia and Yemen would benefit from close partnerships.

Somalia and Yemen are both countries that are economically and historically interlinked.

Especially Northern Somalia and Southern Yemen which historically operated much like an extension of each-other and were economically dependent on each-other. Criss-Cross relations that researchers have noted have contributed to the resilience of both communities in both countries. Connections based on trust and mutual accountability.

A united stronger more economically functioning Yemen/Somalia would be of mutual benefit. It will create more jobs, more wealth and improve livelihoods and even better food security for both nations.
Somalia and Yemen’s Cross-border Maritime Economy

I made this thread to highlight the example that Oman offers as a development model and potential for both countries.

The revolutionary trajectory that was supposed to succeed in Yemen and Somalia in the 1960-70s , is a legacy that succeeded in Oman today. Both the socialist egalitarian re-distributive reforms and the vision of a functioning decentralized local governance.

Even what i mentioned on page 1 about a unitary decentralized system was also on the table for Yemen since the 1960s not just for Somalia urged by it's population.

Decentralization in Yemen

Although some failed attempts have been made. Decentralization can only happen successfully through the prerequisite of a strong united central state and devolve from there which can only be achieved through a revolution in most cases. It can never be brought forward through a weak fragmented government. Federalism also wont make sense for either of them as a decentralization option.
Somalia and Yemen have had a long standing relationship with each other for centuries. When the Walashma sultans were forced to flee they sought refuge in Yemen to recover their power and Yemenis in turn fought alongside Somalis against Ethiopia. Somalis used to live in significant numbers in some Yemeni towns like Aden and Mocha and likewise Yemenis visited northern Somalia for business or religious reasons. During the 20th and 21st century, when either countries broke down at different points, the other offered sanctuary and refuge for migrants. Does that sound like an enemy to you? Why should minor Cold War politics overshadow hundreds of years of positive trade relationship and close Islamic ties? Both Somalia and Yemen would benefit from close partnerships.

They weren't forced to flee actually, abyssinians never persued them all the way to awdal its a fake story. They were collecting war funds in a city called Zabid which was a historical center Al-Jabarti/Somalis were settled into and got support from the King of Yemen. They had to constantly stock on war supplies to be effective against the human hordes and even collected them from as far as Mogadishu.

You are right historically Yemenis aided Somalis and Somalis aided Yemenis. Even in Futuh you saw them to turn up to fight alongside.

The actions of our puppet political leaders in our modern times don't reflect the greater will of the Somali and Yemeni people, which has mostly been that of brotherly neighbors living side by side.

You can clearly see it from that study i shared and it deals specifically with the relationship between Puntland and Yemen. To qoute some more from it:

A local Sultan in Bosasso, in present-day Puntland, describes the Somali–Yemen relation-
ship in the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century:

The countries were not as separated as they are now. People moved freely and

everyone settled wherever they wanted. Hadramawt is close to Somalia physically
and culturally … The Hadramis were coming to Somalia for centuries. They are
mainly merchants. They were running away from poverty in Hadramawt … We
were always mixing and intermingling. We received each other as guests and
fed each other. We travelled in each other’s territory without restriction.

For much of their history, the regions encompassed by present-day north-eastern Somalia(Puntland), Somaliland and (southern) Yemen have been, in many respects, extensions of each other. They shared a religious and cultural identity that was mutually influenced through social and economic interactions, easing and enabling interactions even to this day. For many Somali-speakers these ties were more significant, and welcoming, than those held with the states and communities of the modern borderlands with Ethiopia and Kenya. These ties were further strengthened through the incorporation into the British (Indian Ocean) Empire in the late nineteenth century.7
Never forget:

1978 Somalia vs the world.

But their illegals and fishermen are treated well in our land, instead of arrested and deported ON SIGHT.

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Saying Yemen is not a friend to Somalia is like claiming Puntland is not a friend to Somalia knowing how their political leader and founder invited in a historical enemy to invade Somalia multiple times to butcher its innocent sheikhs and dismantle its government and did shady dealings/licenses with foreign entities to exploit our maritime waters.

Likewise i am pretty sure that was not the true will of your Majerteen brothers and sisters, who mostly throughout their history was in brotherhood and alliances with the rest of the Somali people, infact the Majerteen and Hobyo sultans were sending armies and arms to defend Somalis in Harar during the late 1800s. Majerteen and Hobyo sultanates started a multi years long war out of refusal to aid the British/Italians against the Somali dervishes, ending their protectorates.
Many Majerteen enlisted and fought in the guerilla movements against Ethiopia in the 1960s and participated in the 1977 war with other Somalis.

See treachery is never the will of the people, it's only the will of elitist traitors with self serving goals
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A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
There was one Yemeni brigade and they refused to fight when they realized they would be facing Somalis.
Them and the habash were getting destroyed in battle of harar till soviets and cubans arrived πŸ˜‚


Oh and special reminder: we have a Latino Muslim on here, who brags about Cuba jumping Somalia in 1978, but poses as Muslim first, most of the time. See how he has no issue bragging about a Gaal nation, Cuba, when he is in fact, a Mexican.

Yemenis, Latino Muslim, no matter what they are. Keep your head on a swivel.

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yeah that's @Omar del Sur the Cuban enemy who his father's must of been in the war, they were taught they needed to protect their Christian brothers in Ethiopia from somali Muslims whats sad tho even south Yemen joined who is Muslim and helped the Ethiopian Christians, that's why I get furious with Somalis thinking all Muslims are brothers lol, their no evidence of that not when it's about politics, land, resources and power wallahi their no Muslim unity then and their still blind to it.
yeah that's @Omar del Sur the Cuban enemy who his father's must of been in the war, they were taught they needed to protect their Christian brothers in Ethiopia from somali Muslims whats sad tho even south Yemen joined who is Muslim and helped the Ethiopian Christians, that's why I get furious with Somalis thinking all Muslims are brothers lol, their no evidence of that not when it's about politics, land, resources and power wallahi their no Muslim unity then and their still blind to it.

He claims to be a Mexican Revert but the enmity seeped out.


He claims to be a Mexican Revert but the enmity seeped out.

Puntitequeen Somalis confuse social relations whether religious or ethnic to translate into political and territorial unity, why can't they ever show where Somalis joined a caliphate in any time of history πŸ˜‚

Somalis always had their separate kingdoms meaning separate territorial and political control thru out the Muslim age and even as far as back as the greek/Roman era, even as far back as ancient egyptian world order, they can never show this idea of political and territorial unity of Somalis or Muslims in any time period of history, yes we did join NATO style Muslim military coalitions especially within our region but that's where it ended up no matter if it was adal, sayid, etc.

The problem sister is they think social cohesion translates to political and territorial harmony which me and U know isn't the case based on the colonial fascism, syl democracy , kacaan/commy experiments. They only try to unite us at best by creating a shared enemy no matter what time period πŸ˜” if you need an enemy to unite then your not a united people not politically or territorially. U will see these markers even in Somali spot where they try to create foreign enemy to unite ppl like @Abdisamad lol and we know where those experiments ended in failed state status.

You will see their behaviour the unionist colonial lapdogs like @MaliMohamed who wants to re do what colonials taught him and refuse home grown solutions like federation which actually supports our historical context not unionism, we will just go to civil war over power eventually if power is centralised.
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Omar del Sur

@Omar del Sur ??? Are you serious ???

Im indifferent to yemen for the reasons that have already been stated, it can be fixed when socotra is returned to the native owners somalia.

the post was taken out of context. also I already apologized about the insensitive reference to the Ogaden. OP wants to attack me cuz I don't agree with their feminist views.

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A million worse things have occurred to civilians in Somalia, Ethiopia and Yemen since that war. Literally millions have starved to death since the 80s. Also, South Yemen doesn't even fucking exist anymore. North Yemen took it completely over. How can you blame a people for the actions of a government/state that doesn't even exist anymore?
Libya Gaddafi and the other oil producing Muslim countries didn't like Somalia joining the oil league..
If you guys read CIA documents about the extremists funded by the Arab countries in the late 70s to this day and the wat they all secretly backed up Ethiopia and their lack of support for Somalia while giving Siad Barre fake promises, anyone with a normal functioning intelligence will see that Arab countries were πŸ’― against Somalia because of oil and gas.
To this day these countries support our neighbours secretly.
Sometimes they hide behind western NGOs projects and provide all the funds.
the post was taken out of context. also I already apologized about the insensitive reference to the Ogaden. OP wants to attack me cuz I don't agree with their feminist views.

View attachment 343890

You are a disingenuous coward. What does feminism have to do with you bragging about Cuba's involvement in the 1978 war? You were clearly itching to whip that out. Only an idiot will fall for your backtracking. You said what you said, stand beside it.

Omar del Sur

You are a disingenuous coward. What does feminism have to do with you bragging about Cuba's involvement in the 1978 war? You were clearly itching to whip that out. Only an idiot will fall for your backtracking. You said what you said, stand beside it.

I am not a disingenuous coward. really you are disingenuous trying to disguise your feminist campaign as nationalism. you've been hostile to me for years because I don't share your feminist views. for u it's just a convenient way to attack me.

"You said what you said, stand beside it."

I already apologized and openly made dua for the Somalia mujahideen who were martyred. But that doesn't matter to u because your problem with me isn't actually because of that post.

Omar del Sur

You are a disingenuous coward. What does feminism have to do with you bragging about Cuba's involvement in the 1978 war? You were clearly itching to whip that out. Only an idiot will fall for your backtracking. You said what you said, stand beside it.

I was looking up information about the Ogaden War. Cuba was definitely bad guys

he was backed by the freemason shaytaan Fidel Castro

I very clearly am against Fidel and I don't actually support the Cuban side in that war. But you had a problem with me for years prior as you're hostile to ppl who don't share your feminism views. so your problem isn't actually because of that post, you're just using it to rally ppl to act in line with your feminist objective (attack an ideological opponent).

Omar del Sur

Latinos have machismo culture, their own special brand of misogyny. Thus, it is no surprise that this person is a raging misogynist who will not acknowledge the very real issue of femicide.

see? it is a feminist campaign disguised as a nationalist one. I kind of admire Puntite's cleverness. oppose someone because of feminism- but then make the rhetoric one which is nationalist. it's a very clever technique.


the post was taken out of context. also I already apologized about the insensitive reference to the Ogaden. OP wants to attack me cuz I don't agree with their feminist views.

View attachment 343890
The Ogaden war is an open wound for our people so for you to fantasize about doing more damage than the Cubans shows a hidden disdain that’s always been there for Somalis and you miscalculated thinking that sharing a faith with us would shield you away from that post. I think it’s time for you to find a different forum Latino man, you will not disrespect us in our own spaces.


Omar del Sur

The Ogaden war is an open wound for our people so for you to fantasize about doing more damage than the Cubans shows a hidden disdain that’s always been there for Somalis and you miscalculated thinking that sharing a faith with us would shield you away from that post. I think it’s time for you to find a different forum Latino man, you will not disrespect us in our own spaces.

doing more damage than Cubans? I mentioned Peru and cited Peru as what I'm talking about. in Peru, Mexico used media and diplomacy to successfully pressurize the Peru gov.

and anyways I have a right to respond to this person attacking me.

Omar del Sur


she, being a super mega feminist, wants to compare you to a dog simply because you're a man (and then if you're against this kind of thing she'll pretend ur against women's rights- comparing men to dogs is just "women's rights")

anyways she wants to compare you to a dog but she also wants you to fight on her behalf for her feminist campaign
Libya Gaddafi and the other oil producing Muslim countries didn't like Somalia joining the oil league..
If you guys read CIA documents about the extremists funded by the Arab countries in the late 70s to this day and the wat they all secretly backed up Ethiopia and their lack of support for Somalia while giving Siad Barre fake promises, anyone with a normal functioning intelligence will see that Arab countries were πŸ’― against Somalia because of oil and gas.
To this day these countries support our neighbours secretly.
Sometimes they hide behind western NGOs projects and provide all the funds.
Could you source these CIA documents? I know Libya supported Ethiopia at one point but I never heard of the Gulf Nations being against Somalia. In fact, it seems odd that they think Somalia would join their league given massive amounts oil wasn't discovered yet

