Yemen is NOT a friend of Somalia (stating the obvious).

doing more damage than Cubans? I mentioned Peru and cited Peru as what I'm talking about. in Peru, Mexico used media and diplomacy to successfully pressurize the Peru gov.

and anyways I have a right to respond to this person attacking me.

I have already stated I don't care how you view women, you pathetic interloper. My issue with you is the fact that you insulted Somalia and bragged about Latino input in jumping my people. The only reason you are trying to backtrack is because you have exposed yourself.

You will not find anybody coming to your aid, no matter how much you try to act like "feminists" goaded you into revealing your true nature.
The Ogaden war is an open wound for our people so for you to fantasize about doing more damage than the Cubans shows a hidden disdain that’s always been there for Somalis and you miscalculated thinking that sharing a faith with us would shield you away from that post. I think it’s time for you to find a different forum Latino man, you will not disrespect us in our own spaces.

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He is trying to divide and conquer his way through the forum like his Conquistador ancestors. As if me and the other ladies forced him to type all that faan and threats. Why the hell is he in our space anyway.


β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Your Uncle Abdullahi Yusuf also supported Itoobiya against MSB AUN. Save us your fake wadani tears

Omar del Sur

I have already stated I don't care how you view women, you pathetic interloper. My issue with you is the fact that you insulted Somalia and bragged about Latino input in jumping my people. The only reason you are trying to backtrack is because you have exposed yourself.

Oh okay- and this is why you've been hostile towards me for years?

You will not find anybody coming to your aid, no matter how much you try to act like "feminists" goaded you into revealing your true nature.

I don't care if ppl support or agree with me or not.

Omar del Sur

He is trying to divide and conquer his way through the forum like his Conquistador ancestors. As if me and the other ladies forced him to type all that faan and threats. Why the hell is he in our space anyway.

divide and conquer... what is there for me to take over? I'm here to "conquer" some likes?? I'm not here to "conquer" some likes, the Somali feminists wanted to pull Mexico into things- I didn't tell them to do that. you made a few threads about me but I've never made a thread about you.

you are aggressive towards numerous ppl just bcuz they don't share your feminist ideology. with me you make it a race thing bcuz that suits ur aims but ur just hostile towards normal men in general who don't share your feminist views.

Omar del Sur

divide and conquer... what is there for me to take over? I'm here to "conquer" some likes?? I'm not here to "conquer" some likes, the Somali feminists wanted to pull Mexico into things- I didn't tell them to do that. you made a few threads about me but I've never made a thread about you.

you are aggressive towards numerous ppl just bcuz they don't share your feminist ideology. with me you make it a race thing bcuz that suits ur aims but ur just hostile towards normal men in general who don't share your feminist views.

another thing OP is you've been directing racist attacks against me for years. why? this post of mine you cite- that's from like two seconds ago but you've been hostile and promoting racism towards me for years. why? you felt it's ok bcuz I don't share your feminist ideology which you are so devoted to. and I just happen to be a different race so you lean into that bcuz it suits your agenda and you feminists lack moral principles. and you can't win a debate, you just make it a race thing because that is convenient for you.

Omar del Sur

You need to peddle your thoughts to your fellow Mexicans instead of trying to force it onto us.

that is from 2022. posting my thoughts isn't forcing anything on anyone.

As Muslims we are told that charity starts at home. Last time I checked, Somalia is nowhere near Spain or Latin America. "Help" your own people with your special messages.

you see how disingenous OP is? why is she trying to push hostile racism against me since years ago- and then she acts like it's bcuz of something I said two seconds ago.

and racism comes so easily and casually to her that she even brings all of Yemenis into it. Rasul Allah ο·Ί himself praised the people of Yemen. and what did they do? your average person in Yemen isn't responsible for south Yemen's role in the Ogaden war.

and OP wants to pretend that it's not about a feminist agenda and doesn't want others to associate her with feminism. well here she openly attacks me for not supporting feminism, in this post she is openly pro-feminism


but then she has a problem with me telling the truth and pointing out that she's been hostile and pushing racism towards me for years- because like most healthy normal men I don't believe in her feminist ideology. is it right from an Islamic standpoint that you can be hostile and push racism towards a Muslim because they don't follow some man-made kaffir ideology?


Brother despite our aqeedah differences I know your a good man. The feminist horde has targeted you due to your strong imaan. Just ignore them
Warya this is about the Latino making disrespectful comments about our shahids in the Ogaden war and him saying his Mexican kuffar people doing more damage than his Cuban cousins in a conflict. No Somali with a backbone would let a comment like that slide
Warya this is about the Latino making disrespectful comments about our shahids in the Ogaden war and him saying his Mexican kuffar people doing more damage than his Cuban cousins in a conflict. No Somali with a backbone would let a comment like that slide

TekNIIKO doesn't have a backbone, he's a pathetic gossip peddler, who routinely twerks for other men.


β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Libya Gaddafi and the other oil producing Muslim countries didn't like Somalia joining the oil league..
If you guys read CIA documents about the extremists funded by the Arab countries in the late 70s to this day and the wat they all secretly backed up Ethiopia and their lack of support for Somalia while giving Siad Barre fake promises, anyone with a normal functioning intelligence will see that Arab countries were πŸ’― against Somalia because of oil and gas.
To this day these countries support our neighbours secretly.
Sometimes they hide behind western NGOs projects and provide all the funds.
and it was egypt that put somalia in arab league likewise there’s another arab oil country that’s backing ethiopia


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
the post was taken out of context. also I already apologized about the insensitive reference to the Ogaden. OP wants to attack me cuz I don't agree with their feminist views.

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Okay, Thanks for apologizing man that was kinda nuts since I thought you didnt like cuba on a personal level either. I dont know about that thread, i saw them talking about it but im not sure. Thanks be to god she ignored me. I dont have to worry about being attacked for my moderate views.

The OP likes to target people that go against her views, he did it to my friend a while back and scared him off the site @adamWeisiput you will be missed.

If you can can you tell me the title of that thread. I want the full context before I make full judgement.


@Omar del Sur your Cuba shouldn't of entered the war between Ethiopia and Somalia, heck even you got Russian and south Yemen support, the Somali troops were at the awash river, minutes away from Addis Ababa the capital of Ethiopia.

I always tell non Africans their is interior Africans who r disconnected from the world in history kinda like your Amazonian tribes in south and central America, and their is parts who were connected like the moors of Timbuktu who exported science n maths thru the Islamic caliphate in Morocco, but their is also a much earlier period going back 7000 years ago where lots of countries in Nile River and red sea nations paid loyalty to ancient Egypt and traded and evolved with them, that's why U see earlier period of ancient Egypt was black or darkish red black, untill the Persians invaded and finally the Greeks and romans which changed their composition.

Heck U see many nations in Africa on ancient Egypt wall art giving tributes, not Europe tho, their still not mentioned in world history untill Greeks who stole from ancient Egypt and exported it to ancient europe is when they rose which is like 2500 years ago in the greeks before the Romans leeched off the greeks, and finally the west who leeched on of both the Greeks n Romans, which is the world order U see today.

Listen I will tell U even your Bible mentions these nations in Africa, not Europe lol especially old testament lol, you guys shouldn't waste your time here because they can pull from ancient oral history which is concealed from you plus common knowledge thru many empire period. Ironically we decline in Africa upon greek, Roman era and never give them allegiance and the same for their spawned kids the west n Europe as a whole. Heck the arab time period had better success rate in Africa due to mainly ismalites being spawned from ancient egyptian woman Hajar lol. But even them they never dared to add us in Africa to their caliphate, we just kept trade ties, military coalition ties.

This war between old parts of Africa will continue to rage because their not stupid and know their history unlike other areas of Africa like the interior. It's being controlled the intensity of it but it's far worse then the mid east who also know their history, the common theme here is don't f*ck with areas who knows their history and the globes.
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