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This guy was brilliant strategist. 90 districts unite on common cause so u dont become a for 2 tribal towns who want u weak and 1960 borders re-implemented who sleep with terrorists and brotherhood to support it in return to disturb the world order and western alliance and diplomatic leverages. Fat body small head approach similar to small DC head and region fat as f*ck.

Was he a good politician? nooooooooooooo, strategist the best somalia has had, hands down. There is a reason why his system is still around and noone else succeeding, he came with a somali solution not a clan solution for two cities to sell to the west-ethio-saudis and tell them islamist dont want it so you must support it. Then saw their games on the ground supporting secessionist and centralist when it's the same thing they share a common enemy get rid of your federal boy on the ground and best idea approach and u lose it all. Went to china to back it up in-case first partner falls thru and west are not reliable they abadoned shah, they won't fuckin show u mercy.


The man deserves a statue in all somali cities as he was states-men not a politician. Loved his soldiers, never died with a cent to his name, gave it all to the military cause they are the ones who count when a gun on your head not food or hotels. He was a states-man cause he came with 90 district approach that unites all somalis, why? why would they be mayors and be used like a ho when needed and circling mog and hargeisa and then discarded and then played off each other for big papa n mama in hargeisa and mog. Hargeisa wud have all northern boys circling sacad muse and discarded hy, hj, dhulos, waros, abgal wud be circled by hg, mj, ogs, marehans, etc like a flies to a fuckin shit. U can wave a fly away when u want from the shit and another one comes in.

Dna somaliyeed buu waday cid kale ma wadan in the nation and the failures are evidence to see yourself.


The turks are smart they don't help any nation that aint MB run, that's why he loved morsi and then stepped away Turkey. Loves Somalia cause of all the ikhwan in parliament 100, who can work over the rest of the independents bar the real federalist Puntland. Hence why they win so much elections, it's that 4.5 system.

Only saudis-uae-west-ethio that actually use the western model of have both feet in both areas, you got put your eggs in one area not spill it over when there is a war happening, you cant have you feet in two camps and u both cant co-exist one needs to go.

Turkey is like this what does Morsi need, morsi needs political backing against gulfies TURKS provide it. What qatar need for its operations to fund mb, security from saudi dogs and west. Turks give em a base. What somali need, charity. so they give em charity. Thats how they operate the turk. The rest they neutralize where they cant succeed but a good sizeable population are muslim and if not then it's the good old economic investments to have a hand in there, charity in a real neutral nation that is poor, etc. Their not bad their approach. Neutralize those u can't win, and grow those u have won and dont step foot in PL or anywhere against u. That's what the west should be doing dont step in mog or hargeisa and work 90 districts only so they love federalism not centralism, ur making them love centralism buy building those two districts and go towards the brotherhood.

You go to the 90 districts and say all western aid goes here and when u visit u say isnt great being autonomous and federal buddy and away from mogadishu who gave u nothing and crumble the vote for federalism with a weak mogadishu as 90 districts say we love our autonomy. Brotherhood is out as the capital he operates becomes a spokes person and seeks advice from regions only which is the western strong hold.
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@DR OSMAN He was a decent politician but let's not give overboard with the love fest. He brought in God damn Aidthiopians into the country. Now I reckon Hawiye needed an ass whooping but that was the wrong way to go about it. AY was a Brilliant general I must admit. Even Soviets praised his battalion during the Ogaden war, but he wasn't the best politician for me


@DR OSMAN He was a decent politician but let's not give overboard with the love fest. He brought in God damn Aidthiopians into the country. Now I reckon Hawiye needed an ass whooping but that was the wrong way to go about it. AY was a Brilliant general I must admit. Even Soviets praised his battalion during the Ogaden war, but he wasn't the best politician for me

Yeah he wasn't a good politician nowhere like this erdogan and the crowd he pulls. Trump aint pulling crowds or the camera would focus on it and his ratings are 40%. Look at erdogan the whole fuckin city is packed up. That's a good politician but doesn't he good fuckin person like YEY was. He was more a states-man then a politician as he came with 90 district approach to unite somalis and basically said hey dont be mayors join us and forget the tribal jambals these clowns put in between us as they want us circling them like s and they discard us all while they are the power. It was true somali policy, it was states-man policy, he didn't politics on it or convince people, it was the LAW to him. It was more about the well being of 90 districts f*ck 2 districts.

The west hasnt changed his policy nor the ethio says alot. They don't decide how u run your nation, you come with your model and they see it's success and it aint stopping for centralist route on 1960 with two cities and the whole body dead or in mayor capacities and entering the camp of the enemy who will want a trade off for supporting you in that objective that means u play your role in MB operation.
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He was a military man wat the f*ck do u expect him to do, he was a good strategist but not a politician. As a good politician is a good strategists and seller at the same time. Yey didnt have selling abilities like erdogan and crowds werent cheering him like erdogan.

Trump I don't know about his strategy he doesn't tell anyone, time will tell but his business background EXPECTS DEALS, LIKE YEY EXPECT WAR. YEY was for war time sxb and he know his role not peace time and the ethio-west used him well in that time period, it just went off the rails after that with liberals being backed in a war time. U need more war-heads in Somalia till it stabilizes. Then you need diplomats and politicians and then you can open up even to business community as deals need to be cut. Not before.

if 80% of your budget is going to security all across somalia why in the hell are you bringing me an obama or a fuckin trump? bring me a MAD DOG MATTIS. That's where the focus in this phase of the government NOT DEVELOPMENT. Cause lets not kid ourselves Farmajo is an Obama shakes up the crowd, we dont need these people, bring in the GENERALS.

Cuz if u have these technocrats and business ppl at this time of rebuilding and security concerns all his security staff will provide plans to him but he wont understand it cause he aint military and may make bad decisions, you need the military leaders in crucial times like this why the f*ck do u think gave churchill the lead in war time.

Sicid dheere needs to be president sxb or General Morgan as long as morgan is federalist and hasnt sold himself to the devil centralist and qatar for power. I doubt he has his loyal but his old school and still wants hamar siday ahan jiray which the brotherhood will work over and consider easy picking. Old school mentality boys but he dont know why they want it cause he will be ina at the end of it and a mayor his whole clan.


We need to chose our presidents carefully depending on where the budget is heading, if it's development bring it on, bring a business man, they do stuff cheap, know markets, score u great value for the bang, if it's security budget, bring a military leader, he knows wars cause that what ur fuckin doing in the term. If it's expansion foreign policy, bring in a diplomats the REAL on like ambassador types who have great connections, knows how the geopolitics is working, knows short term and long term goals, all the stuff.

We are truly unplanned chaotic mess in somalia cause emotions and tribal passions run high and it will take us off a ditch. It's like having steve bannon or that breitbart guy and his passion crap and his crew in power, it aint about passion sxb, it's about winning thats it.
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