Yikes... Nonsomalis opinions on Somalis.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit

I work at a doctors office and while some of my favorite patients are Somali, the vast majority are as rude as you describe.

They come when they please, either hours after their appointment, or with no appointment at all and expect to be treated on the spot, (and it's like 5 of them at a time, which makes sense because they're coming with an interpreter, but that makes it even worse).

They never silence their phones, and will pick up while with the doctor. They stay on the phone until we ask them to stop.

They very much like the physical therapy massages, (which I was explained to by an interpreter as physical therapy being one of the only culturally acceptable ways of being touched outside of marriage, so I understand). But they demand longer/more frequent massages than we have time for/can bill their insurance for, and aren't very nice about us explaining that we can't.

They don't haggle about the copays though.

Yeah, Somalis seem to have a lot of sexist and bigoted cultural beliefs. Not to mention the religious influence on those beliefs. They still have some assimilating to do

Every Somali I've meet is awesome.. Just the amount of dead beat ones over weighs the good (like most things). Also they suck at driving

I've heard that refugees are given significant tax breaks and essentially get free money/cars. I think the loud/rude stereotype combined with the handouts makes some people see Somalians with disdain. At least I think that is what /dirtbikernick is referring to.

I feel like bad Somalian drivers have replaced bad Asian drivers. Why is that? Just not a lot of driving experience in Somalia

I have never met a more rude and disrespectful people in my life and not just one or two, what gives ?
An caathan guy i work with expressed something like this to me once.
I gotta say, i see where people might have this misconception, but at the same time it's misguided like all other forms of prejudice. Don't let it bother you and just


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Some white people generalize about other groups just like other groups do.A lot of the generalizing is ignorance.
They very much like the physical therapy massages, (which I was explained to by an interpreter as physical therapy being one of the only culturally acceptable ways of being touched outside of marriage, so I understand)

I call bullshit.
The insinuation level is on gazillion.

I'd like to know how the conversation between the interpreter(probably a dirty-minded mofo) and this person went down.

Probably a fetishsizer.

"Which I was explained" kulaha


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
White people treat other groups as a collective and issue collective responsibility on everyone else but they expect to be treated as individuals.

I realise I've just done exactly what I accuse them of doing.


Suicidal men adore me.
White people treat other groups as a collective and issue collective responsibility on everyone else but they expect to be treated as individuals.

I realise I've just done exactly what I accuse them of doing.
and they deserve it. They deserve to taste their own medicine


Your superior
White people treat other groups as a collective and issue collective responsibility on everyone else but they expect to be treated as individuals.

I realise I've just done exactly what I accuse them of doing.

Definitely. But I am sure other groups probably do it.
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