It’s beyond fucked bro, I’ve actually been near that place,you actually have to carry a bag of milk with you otherwise your lungs will feel a burning sensation. The sulphuric acid concentration is 99 percent and Any living organism it comes into contact with is done for. It literally melts you down to the boneThis why I don't like mining there's a lot of chemicals that are used that leech into the ground water. Zambians may not know it yet but there ground water is fucked in that region . Lets not forget the river or lake fishes and other animal are done for due to the harsh effect of the acid used to extract minerals.
It’s beyond fucked bro, I’ve actually been near that place,you actually have to carry a bag of milk with you otherwise your lungs will feel a burning sensation. The sulphuric acid concentration is 99 percent and Any living organism it comes into contact with is done for. It literally melts you down to the bone
America isn’t much better did you see what is happening with Panama“B-Bu-But AMErICA AiD BaD! ChIna GoOd ChInA ReBuiLD AFrIcA!”
“MuH AfRican ReSouRcEs n ShYt”