You only realize how ‘British’ you are when you go abroad.

Subxanallah where do I start on things that shocked me when I got here
- Lack of basic manners
- No emotional intelligence
- Lying, breaking promises, and spilling secrets is normal
- Two-facedness and backbiting are normal
- Everyone is trying to con you in one way, shape, or form
- Laziness/looking down upon hard workers
- Praising of evil people and looking down on and making fun of genuine ones
- Begging/asking people for money isn't considered ceeb here (I'd rather die)
- Jealousy is rife
- People are walking bags of past trauma
- Extremely warped beauty standards to the point where it seriously affects peoples health (99% women)
- Extremely personal questions (I just met you, why do you wanna how much I make??)
- Obsession with comparison, probably exacerbated by social media
- They won't shut up, where do these people get the energy to talk this much?