You Think You Can Lie to God?

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GOD forbids charging interest to prevent financial exploitation. So when some of our Muslim community say that their house is financed by an Islamic bank in which they claim didn’t charge them any interest, I laugh at their hypocrisy. I know very well that you’re paying interest, and naming it “something else” won’t change that fact. Munafiqeen, GOD knows what you’re doing. And this is one of the reasons why I have more respect for atheists because they’re true to their cause.
Well, you can't really buy a house nowadays without getting a mortgage.

No one has $400,000 laying around to pay for a home and that means u gotta take a loan (which charges interest rates).

Unless u got better suggestions, than don't call people munaafiqiin, nacas.
Interest is as bad as Zina. In the West, you either purchase the house, or get a mortgage. But in the Muslim countries theirs 0% APR, all you have to do is pay monthly, for a certain period of time.
Well, you can't really buy a house nowadays without getting a mortgage.

No one has $400,000 laying around to pay for a home and that means u gotta take a loan (which charges interest rates).

Unless u got better suggestions, than don't call people munaafiqiin, nacas.

Sxb, my grandmother's neighbour (Somali) bought his house for £300k. I think his profession was Forensic Scientist.
In Muslim countries, the interest is already included in the price and are charged for it upfront.

They just don't call it interest, thats all. LooL


Interest is not the same thing as usury.

Banks are not going to give you free money while it depreciates in value and they have to deal with risk. Interest free mortgages are impossible.
I know it's necessary in the west,genius. I'm against people who are lying and claiming they don't pay interest( hence Munafiqeen).


I know it's necessary in the west,genius. I'm against people who are lying and claiming they don't pay interest( hence Munafiqeen).

This is why the West is rich and the Muslim world poor. Lending money and charging risk based interest is an integral part of capitalism.

Get with the program you commie.
this is one of the reasons why I have more respect for atheists because they’re true to their cause

Waa ruunta. What you see is what you get with the Atheists.

Many Muslims are hypocrites. They don't even go to Islamic Bank. They go to a Western bank to get a mortgage. Very shameless. They love interest but interest is worse than homosexuality
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