Youtube Bantu attacking me

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Suicidal men adore me.
So I commented on this video a while ago

I posted this comment
Why should we identify as Black Africans. Black Africans is not an ethnicity. Our ethnicity is Somali something that we are very proud of. Leave us alone. Omar Eno and other Bantus can identify however they like.

Now this hateful bantu wrote me this

You know you are mixed with arab which is why you don't want to identify as black. Plus San people also exist you know and they are indigenous to southern Africa. it's not just bantu people in Africa you go back to sucking that arab cock.


That doesn't warrant then to be a Bantu though, sounds more like a new works black pan africanist though


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90

what u gotta say about this video made from somali:kanyehmm:

You are taking that video out of context. The video established that an ancient admixture of West Asian arose well before the existence of Sabeans aka real Arabs. Hence, Somalis are not Arab, or even partly Arab what so ever. For bloody sake, they speak a cushitic langauge. I would understand if you were talking about Habeshi, they speak an Ethio-semetic language and many of them are a mixture of mostly Agaw (cushitic), Omotic and minor Sabean (semetic). Somalis are not admixed with omotic or sabean. And by extension if we are saying Somalis are mixed we might as well claim that many other groups are admixed too i.e. Europeans and Asians. At the end of the day that means jack shit if it occurred over 3,000 years ago. If you claim that then you will be a laughing stock.

Also, the Bantu Professor has an agenda. He thinks Somalis are trying to cleave themselves to Arabs when the average Somali does no such thing. He's making mole hills into mountains with these accusations. And in so doing is trying to claim Somalis should be closer to him since he is African. Somalis are African hence, they are tribal minded and he doesn't belong to the in-group since he isn't an ethnic Somali and doesn't belong to a major tribe. A kikyu will never try to pretend to be a Massai. What I'm trying to say is you can't change your ethnicity and you shouldn't want to be accepted as such. The man has a chip on his shoulder and feels inferior to the ones that enslaved him - mostly Arabs. That's the reason for his calcaaling. And instead of calling them out like a man, he cowers and spreads lies about Somalis. He's also angry about his second-class citizenship in Somalia. And he's the one throwing Somalis under the bus because they consider him a .5, just like they consider Reer Xamars and other ethnic minorities. They aren't magically going to accommodate him, when Somalis have enough internal problems/rivalries within their group.
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