Zak Jingo come in

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No not that type

Wallahi i'm not a troll i stated on Saturday how can Abdijohnson keep up with his feeds and post over 90 content in a span of three days its impossible. I'm just a normal political motivated teen from London who is frustrated at what his happening in my home country, my grandmother can't even have access to medical treatment. The reason why abdijohnson made this forum is because not long ago i didn't know how to make a thread, but when he told me where to create threads, i came up with a big story, he probably expected me to brag about Somali news from hiiraan.

BTW my source is from :
He is Dahir Culusow using SS to promote his tabloid website:ftw9nwa:

Damu is that how much you hate me, you Ethiopian loving prick. Dahir Culusow hates Darood, and I'm Darood. If you have other websites that expose the corruption of Somalia then id be more than happy to check it out. And change that flag to the Somali flag, causing hatred and separation between us.


سلطنة مجرتين
Damu is that how much you hate me, you Ethiopian loving prick. Dahir Culusow hates Darood, and I'm Darood. If you have other websites that expose the corruption of Somalia then id be more than happy to check it out. And change that flag to the Somali flag, causing hatred and separation between us.
ooh so many questions!!

1. how can i hate you when i don't know you?
2. im from galbeedka how the hell can i love Ethiopia?
3.if culusow hates Darood then why you spreading and promiting his website?
4.why should i change the flag in my avatar and how is it causing hatred? actually believe all Daroods liked sayiidka?
ooh so many questions!!

1. how can i hate you when i don't know you?
2. im from galbeedka how the hell can i love Ethiopia?
3.if culusow hates Darood then why you spreading and promiting his website?
4.why should i change the flag in my avatar and how is it causing hatred? actually believe all Daroods liked sayiidka?
Yes all Darood and even non Darood are proud of him
ooh so many questions!!

1. how can i hate you when i don't know you?
2. im from galbeedka how the hell can i love Ethiopia?
3.if culusow hates Darood then why you spreading and promiting his website?
4.why should i change the flag in my avatar and how is it causing hatred? actually believe all Daroods liked sayiidka?

ooh so many answered!!

1. You have hate comments after all my feeds
2. you are pro Ethiopia never criticized them but praise them
3. culusow has the only Somali whistle-blower website
4. it is causing the separation and hate between Somalis
5. every Somali living soul loves this man expect for Ethiopians like you.
I'm Darood and where i'm from nobody likes him, in fact only your subclan and ogadens mostly see him as a hero:ftw9nwa:

you not a real ogaden, you are dumb f*ck!!!

Somalia's Monument

Ogaden Monument


سلطنة مجرتين
you did not answer my question Dahir:ftw9nwa:

show me where i praised ethiopia? aslo how is my flag causing separation when you use sayiidka as an avatar, the man that butchered many innocent civilians and why you praising aideed:ftw9nwa:

Warya Dahir how is your lawsuit against Dahabshiil?
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