Amisom kills a elderly Somali woman

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I love my race Darood but abhor my foes idoor & moryans Somali is a made up name we're a people of different races united under a fictitious name.
You love your race Darood but hate the most powerful Darood to have lived?:siilaanyolaugh: And you call him gaal all the time too :siilaanyolaugh:

Go to Daroodspot or Daroodnet if you don't want to be Somali :siilaanyolaugh: Stop claiming Somali and nobody will care :siilaanyosmile:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You love your race Darood but hate the most powerful Darood to have lived?:siilaanyolaugh: And you call him gaal all the time too :siilaanyolaugh:

Go to Daroodspot or Daroodnet if you don't want to be Somali :siilaanyolaugh: Stop claiming Somali and nobody will care :siilaanyosmile:
Who the most powerful darood to ever lived? I hope you're not referring to siad barre the gaal bastard.

Why don't you tell waraabe the same thing since he holds similar views as me, oh let me guess it's cause of qabyalad right :mjohreally:
Who the most powerful darood to ever lived? I hope you're not referring to siad barre the gaal bastard.

Why don't you tell waraabe the same thing since he holds similar views as me, oh let me guess it's cause of qabyalad right :mjohreally:
He doesn't calacaal about things like you do

And yes I'm referring to Barre. Find me a more powerful Darood than him. Morgan was his errandboy too:siilaanyolaugh:
They despise everything about you some would love to kill you & mutilate your corpse how could you love those who view you as an enemy :comeon:
Get your collectivist bullshit outta here. Not every somali muslim subscribes to your loony salafi strain of Islam.

And if there are some who genuinely wish harm upon me then there's no love lost. Ima do me


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Get your collectivist bullshit outta here. Not every somali muslim subscribes to your loony salafi strain of Islam.

And if there are some who genuinely wish harm upon me then there's no love lost.
So you hate Muslims cause Muslims are instructed by Allah in the Quran to despise apostates :chrisfreshhah:


Your superior
Says the guzzling male derrière observer weed junky limp wrist have emotional idoor crying suicidal for recognition waving the flag of Iran :mjlol:

This guy is always taking about , I have yet to see this dhabacyo make a comment that doesn't mention . No wonder even jebarti imams are s


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Your mom didn't seem to bothered by me




Quran (4:89) - "They wish that you should reject faith as they reject faith, and then you would be equal; therefore take not to yourselves friends of them, until they emigrate in the way of God; then, if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them; take not to yourselves any one of them as friend or helper." Verse 4:65 says that those who have faith are in "full submission" to Muhammad's teachings. This verse explains what should happen to Muslims who do not have faith.

I just clocked you sent that link from an anti Islamic website.

The irony is delicious :banderas:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I just clocked you sent that link from an anti Islamic website.

The irony is delicious :banderas:
Do you think the Quran changes depending on what website you use :chrisfreshhah: it doesn't matter if the website belongs to Ayan hersi the Quran never changes :fittytousand:
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