Canadian refugee group rescues 10 at risk Somali orphans from Arabs

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Nelson was a communist but he was classed as a terrorist but they fixed it later but he had allies with the USSR and Cuba. Al Shaabab doesn't even a single ally because nobody likes them.

He was the leader of the ANC's terrorist wing. He has the blood of many on his hands.


One should judge a tree by the fruit it bears. Nothing good can come from an Islamic theocracy. Just look at the majority of Muslim countries and that's for some arab bootyclappers a bitter pill to swallow.

Inshallah, they will grow up with secular values. As a matter of fact, I hope they become atheists.
One should judge a tree by the fruit it bears. Nothing good can come from an Islamic theocracy. Just look at the majority of Muslim countries and that's for some arab bootyclappers a bitter pill to swallow.

Inshallah, they will grow up with secular values. As a matter of fact, I hope they become atheists.

Not many Somalis in Winnipeg. They will be taken in by loving gaalo Winnipeg families
@Kaafiye bootyclaps for everyone whether it's sand , s, Somalilanders, and what have you. I want to turn him into a bantu bootyclapper one day. It will take some time, but hey Rome wasn't built in a day. obamadatazz

@Kaafiye This is a message from the bantu sultaan:

Not many Somalis in Winnipeg. They will be taken in by loving gaalo Winnipeg families
Abid: I'm roo
@Kaafiye bootyclaps for everyone whether it's sand , s, Somalilanders, and what have you. I want to turn him into a bantu bootyclapper one day. It will take some time, but hey Rome wasn't built in a day. obamadatazz

@Kaafiye This is a message from the bantu sultaan:

What is that Palestinian flag I see in your profile the Kenyan flag seems okay but I believe your another less of a nut job who booty-claps for Arabs as well. f*ck Palestinians! We stand with Israel.
You are almost as shameless as @Kaafiye. Keep it up you Arab bootyclapper
I'm not bootyclapping for anyone, I was raised in an Arab country I specifically stated that I hate Yemenis and Saudis , if someone wronged my people I'd hate them ofcourse I'm not bootyclapping for Ethiopians who rape Ogaden in their lands, I'm not bootyclapping for Kenya's KFD who kills Somalis like its sports and I'm not bootyclapping for gala who divided our lands and keeps dropping droping bombs in my country. You're just a misguided whitewashed Farax with a fetish for Gala news flash Gala were never our friends, stay cucked Abdi.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Ethios Kenyans Arabs Bantus nuke em all fam nuke em all


I wanna turn sand into glass

I wanna put the xabashi in concentration camps

I wanna sell the Kenyans and other Bantus to the glasslands of the Middle East

Ethios Kenyans Arabs Bantus nuke em all fam nuke em all


I wanna turn sand into glass

I wanna put the xabashi in concentration camps

I wanna sell the Kenyans and other Bantus to the glasslands of the Middle East

I support the bantu nations and I support Ethiopia in Somalia. They aren't the terrorists but the Arats.
Inshallah they find good Muslim homes. They've been raised as Muslims thus far so there's no need to change what's normal to them

Lmao at @AbdiJohnson sig. It's almost as bold as the British who claimed the Titanic was unsinkable, right?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
These people take us into they homes give us citizenship equal rights free education caydh yet nikkas always talkin bout gaalo this gaalo dat I think da gaalos more Muslim den da so called Ummah

I think western values really are superior AJ xaal qaado

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