So cool, the somali must've been a man of very high statue because firmans are written by the sultans themselves and this one solely directed to him?Firman - Wikipedia
I need a translation from ottoman Turkish. We need to find out who this nigga was@Laser clarified it and said it was a ''firman'' which is more decorated than a normal letter, it is written directly to a Sultan themselves.
He shared this description along with the firmanI need a translation from ottoman Turkish. We need to find out who this nigga was
It's not simply about reputation, it just history that shows Somalis emigrated to places and made name for themselves as important merchants/business men. Which is a historical trend that stands to this day.This may possibly be the worst era to be Somali reputation wise. It’s like being Chinese in the 1900s gangbanged by everyone and a shadow of its former self
“People here welcomed us and we do not have any problems with locals. They embraced us. It has been years since I first arrived here but I have never encountered any discrimination,” he told AA.
Ankara, easier to navigate and find accommodation than Istanbul, is a top choice for the community. In Kızılay, Sümer 1 and Sümer 2 streets are almost turned into a small Somalia, with a row of businesses catering to the community, including consultancy firms.