Trudeau is back


Minister of Propaganda
Canadian news channels have called the elections to the Liberals even before British Columbia’s results were released.

A lot of users were predicting a Bernier win but he doesn’t have a seat so far.

@AbdiGaalDoon and the other conservative shills hold the L


Staff Member
You guys are dumbasses for falling for my right wing trolling. I have been only voting Liberal since I turned 18. I have donated thousands of dollars to the party throughout my years.

I am very excited that the Liberals have strengthed their hold in the GTA, less the Thornhill riding, which will turn Liberal in 4 years.

I am very excited Trudeau has been given another mandate.



Minister of Propaganda
But on a serious note, this election holds many questions for Canada's political scene.

The Liberals are back at square one, some may say that Trudeau's antics is a liability for the Liberals.

Questions are:

- Should the Liberals focus on staying the course or trying to enact change or innovation?

- What is the winning formula for the Conservatives: The more moderate approach of O'Toole or the populism of Maxime Bernier or their traditional position??

- How can Jagmeet Singh translate his popularity as a leader to electoral success for his party??

Would love to hear your thoughts.


Staff Member
Should the Liberals focus on staying the course or trying to enact change or innovation?

Trudeau has to govern even further left now. He cannot threaten another election and scare the NDP and Bloc Québécois into giving into Liberal demands. They will call his bluff and force him to enact some of their leftist policies.

What is the winning formula for the Conservatives: The more moderate approach of O'Toole or the populism of Maxime Bernier or their traditional position??

Staying moderate and waiting until voters are tired of the Liberals. It's a 70% centre-left country and they only vote out the Liberals, they never vote in Conservatives. They don't need to listen to their right wing base; they never do.

How can Jagmeet Singh translate his popularity as a leader to electoral success for his party??

He and his party will never win. Canadians don't support socialists; only university students and poor people do. His own Sikh community rejected him (as always) as they almost entirely vote Liberal. Social democrats are lazy bums for the most part and are not respectable people.


Minister of Propaganda
Trudeau has to govern even further left now. He cannot threaten another election and scare the NDP and Bloc Québécois into giving into Liberal demands. They will call his bluff and force him to enact some of their leftist policies.

Staying moderate and waiting until voters are tired of the Liberals. It's a 70% centre-left country and they only vote out the Liberals, they never vote in Conservatives. They don't need to listen to their right wing base; they never do.

He and his party will never win. Canadians don't support socialists; only university students and poor people do. His own Sikh community rejected him (as always) as they almost entirely vote Liberal. Social democrats are lazy bums for the most part.

I think Trudeau governing further left will extend his political lifespan as he was initially elected as the leader of change and new ideas. Recently, it has been more "if you don't vote for me, we will lose all the progress we made" rather than plans for further progress.

Canada is an interesting nation. As I said on other threads, it's practically a one-party state with the Liberals only losing because they f*cked up rather than the Conservatives being any better.

As for Jagmeet, you are probably right. Canada is a centre-left country, with no real appetite for conservatism or social democracy beyond what the Liberals offer.


I do something called "what I want"
both the district I live in and the district my old highschool was in had their mp’s re-elected for the third time in a row.

Liberal party has a firm grasp in Toronto and as long as they keep it they’ll have an easy time winning. Especially since the conservative votes in quebec are split up heavily.

That’s really the only other province with a substantial population. The prairies are langaab hicks and won’t get anywhere lmao,


I do something called "what I want"
Trudeau has to govern even further left now. He cannot threaten another election and scare the NDP and Bloc Québécois into giving into Liberal demands. They will call his bluff and force him to enact some of their leftist policies.

Staying moderate and waiting until voters are tired of the Liberals. It's a 70% centre-left country and they only vote out the Liberals, they never vote in Conservatives. They don't need to listen to their right wing base; they never do.

He and his party will never win. Canadians don't support socialists; only university students and poor people do. His own Sikh community rejected him (as always) as they almost entirely vote Liberal. Social democrats are lazy bums for the most part and are not respectable people.
I think Trudeau governing further left will extend his political lifespan as he was initially elected as the leader of change and new ideas. Recently, it has been more "if you don't vote for me, we will lose all the progress we made" rather than plans for further progress.

Canada is an interesting nation. As I said on other threads, it's practically a one-party state with the Liberals only losing because they f*cked up rather than the Conservatives being any better.

As for Jagmeet, you are probably right. Canada is a centre-left country, with no real appetite for conservatism or social democracy beyond what the Liberals offer.
Both incorrect.

The Conservatives have as much hold on Canada as the Liberals.

Currently the Liberals have won a majority government in 2015 and 2 minorities in 2019 and 2021. This matches what the Conservatives did with Stephen Harper as the prime minister where they won 2 minority governments in 2006 and 2008 and a majority government where they were in power for 4 years from 2011-2015.

Idk how you can forget that for 8 years straight we had a conservative government. The fact that liberals won a majority in 2015 but perform worse and worse in the 2019 and 2021 elections show that Canada will bounce back to conservatives.

Just like the US, Canada isn’t immune to the right-wing left-wing oscillation of government.


I do something called "what I want"
Both incorrect.

The Conservatives have as much hold on Canada as the Liberals.

Currently the Liberals have won a majority government in 2015 and 2 minorities in 2019 and 2021. This matches what the Conservatives did with Stephen Harper as the prime minister where they won 2 minority governments in 2006 and 2008 and a majority government where they were in power for 4 years from 2011-2015.

Idk how you can forget that for 8 years straight we had a conservative government. The fact that liberals won a majority in 2015 but perform worse and worse in the 2019 and 2021 elections show that Canada will bounce back to conservatives.

Just like the US, Canada isn’t immune to the right-wing left-wing oscillation of government.
also don’t forget that in 2011 was probably the worst ever year for Liberals where they completely lost in Ontario, their stronghold, and had less seats than even NDP!


Conservatives ransacked ontario lol


Minister of Propaganda
@Hot Ballah

In the 20th Century, the Liberals held government for 70 out of 100 years.

No other party in the Anglosphere or even the Western world is as dominant as Liberal party.
seeing the wide world trend of governments going left, norways
resent election completed the left sweep of nordic countries and
britian definite swing to the left come next election not forgetting
the usa which is falling into the hands of the progressive left aka
socialists, this is the nest chapter of the new world so the liberals
in canada will be there for long the only next step after trudeau is to give it an ethinic face.


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