sheegad miya saxiibkeen@Thegoodshepherd mudaane Majerteeenimadada wa in nebula genomic ku caadeena wa la kala shaakiye mudaane⦠if u have PayPal I will pay for it give me ur paypal account i will send you the full amount of the kit hirsi farah shirwac cigaale jibril abdulle isxaaq cumar maxamud saleebaan on yfull would be great
It's funny because you mjs of muqdisho stay in our districts and nowhere else. Scared of Wacbudhan, HG and Murusade governed districts. Daynile is practically baadiiyo anyway.Habar gidir are not native to Mogadishu if you are not galmaax yonis ee wacbuudan abgaal osmaan xamar gofkada ma ah ha eboow aniga iyo adiga wan u simanahay