Why Is America Such Shit Hole?


I am not here looking to put down Americans but I'm looking at your country externally with Australian lenses and values. Australia isn't the greatest country especially compared to Scandinavian countries. But in comparison to America it is leaps and bounds ahead in nearly every metric.

There is a reason why Australian cities are always in the top ten livable cities in the world. We have a fully private market just like America especially if the field is considered highly skilled but if it's unskilled or semi skilled there is loads of govt intervention so that segment isn't abused by private organisation.

In America if your skilled and unskilled you all are at the mercy of your business class and everyone knows of the horrendous conditions and pay a large segment of unskilled workers face in your market. We are surprised your country has no universal safety net for people unemployed and if you do it usually dependent on how much you contribute and is time fixed lol.

All your major cities when you read about it their is always the good side and bad side and the bad side is always 25% or 50% of each large city. Your colleges are scams and people pay 200k for basic professional field studies which is 3 or 4 year degree and only costs us max 25k for 4 years courses here and govt pays for you and U repay it interest free once u start working. I cringe when I hear medication prices in America like thousands of dollars for something that is $20 maximum here. Your healthcare is an absolute Moryan fest sucking on ppl wallets in their most time of need. In Australia we have a fully universal Medicare system.


You even get student payments to all kids here while they can work part time 20 hour a weeks. Childcare is all 80% govt paid and 20% parents. Ppl scream here if 2 towers are in one residential neighborhood and call for urban renewal let alone having 25% or 50% of each major cities run down.

Your media sell this false hope and image of america being the greatest country and that's only true if you haven't been outside of America. I know A few Aussie and American marriages and 99% all choose australia hands down.

Even your homes are made of cheap wood amd when storms come it cant withstand it. Where as here every home is made from brick unless it's a home created in the 1800s even somali homes are made from.brick.
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One thing I do give you American you are the leaders in social movements. Australia only banned its white australia policy 15 years before south africa in 1975 and that was due to American pressure.

We have the superior system but the ppl are what you would.call low lives from British criminal stock. If we could get Canadian type ppl(nicest ppl in the world) and Australia matched it would be heaven on earth.
One thing I do give you American you are the leaders in social movements. Australia only banned its white australia policy 15 years before south africa in 1975 and that was due to American pressure.

We have the superior system but the ppl are what you would.call low lives from British criminal stock. If we could get Canadian type ppl(nicest ppl in the world) and Australia matched it would be heaven on earth.
Add to that, Aboriginal movements for their right to self-determination here were greatly inspired by the US Civil Rights movement.

For example, their Freedom Ride here that occured after AA people did the same thing:


Add to that, Aboriginal movements for their right to self-determination here were greatly inspired by the US Civil Rights movement.

For example, their Freedom Ride here that occured after AA people did the same thing:

The ppl are not much different to south africa in terms of social progress. They come from a criminal stock as it was founded to be a prison colony. The worst and scum of UK was sent there to Australia. As you will notice with criminals even in america they are not forward thinking and resist change alot and just re do crime always. Their no longer criminals here but the mindset of changing isnt there.

They will happily do something even if it doesnt work and if you show them their is better ways they will resist it all cost which i suspect is the criminal gene still at work in their dna somewhere.


Add to that, Aboriginal movements for their right to self-determination here were greatly inspired by the US Civil Rights movement.

For example, their Freedom Ride here that occured after AA people did the same thing:

The aboriginal ppl here are not exactly angels and suffer generational trauma. These dudes rape their own daughters at 5 years old which the media doesnt show. Their urban half castes from missionaries are all drug and alcohol living. Generation to Generation nothing changes due to them being unorganized. They have alot of soul searching to do themselves and not just cry whitey did this to my grandparents and that somewhat justifies your a failing community.

Yes they we're wronged but that's where it ends and now u move on not resort to drug and alcohol and passing the same pain and trauma to your next generation.


It's horrendous in America. The working culture is vastly different to Australia. Mandatory by law even unskilled mcdonald workers get 2 weeks sick pay, 2 week public holiday pay, 4 week yearly holiday, maternity and paternal leave for 12 months. In most skilled jobs the annual holiday is 6 to 8 weeks, sick leave is 20 days. We also have an age pension yes only requirement is your reach an senior age and your paid universal payment and given a range of concessions on utilities and free transport or taxi subsidies.

Most somali senior citizens take their age pension which is like 2k a month and go to somalia for 6 months and return to australia for health check ups under our universal medicare system. The system is designed for the well being of the masses here while the system in america is designed for the few 1% rich elite.
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nah fam, as an american, he's got a point

Their just in denial let the yanky fucks be. But a country not designed with all its ppl in mind whether their lazy or not is not fit to be called a govt of the people. In America they think it's normal having half or quarter of each city living like it's India. They think it's normal that ppl must cover their own healthcare. Even their pension is shit 401k and is similar to our McDonald worker who by law must get 10% extra on his salary and put aside for their retirement pension.

Most skilled jobs tho get like 15 to 20% added to their salary for their retirement pension. Plus we still have an age pension for those who just need to meet a senior age criteria only or as a backup pension if those retirement pension run dry(unlikely). Have you seen our road quality here, public facilities with BBQs in each suburb and open spaces with children playgrounds, that's zoned out for each neighbourhood by urban planning law. You don't have to duck gun shots at fkn school either.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
America is literally the greatest country on earth bar none.

Where else can you buy a firearm, steaks, a fridge, and an ATV in a single trip to the grocery store.

The aboriginal ppl here are not exactly angels and suffer generational trauma. These dudes rape their own daughters at 5 years old which the media doesnt show. Their urban half castes from missionaries are all drug and alcohol living. Generation to Generation nothing changes due to them being unorganized. They have alot of soul searching to do themselves and not just cry whitey did this to my grandparents and that somewhat justifies your a failing community.

Yes they we're wronged but that's where it ends and now u move on not resort to drug and alcohol and passing the same pain and trauma to your next generation.
true but you can only be depressed if your a aboriginal. Your ansestors graves being built ontop of by people who see you as aliens in your own land. They multiply and your population essentially declines. By the next 50 years aboriginals will probably go extinct. No amount of not being angels and not suffering generational trauma will justify it. Cadaans are 100x worse. They just have a media which covers for them. The same thing whiteys did to south africa but failed miserably. Aboriginal need to wake up or they will simply be absorbed by parastical whiteys a fate worse then anything else. The just look at the natives, Theres probably less then 100 of them in continental america, same with those in canada. How are your rights being voted on by alien shipped to your land less then 100 years ago. They need wake up or go extinct. You have whites claiming to be natives in australia now
America is an extreme society, extreme wealth inequality and extreme levels in crime and beautiful life within the same country. If you're very talented and can find someone to finance you then you're among the lucky few, otherwise you're fucked.


true but you can only be depressed if your a aboriginal. Your ansestors graves being built ontop of by people who see you as aliens in your own land. They multiply and your population essentially declines. By the next 50 years aboriginals will probably go extinct. No amount of not being angels and not suffering generational trauma will justify it. Cadaans are 100x worse. They just have a media which covers for them. The same thing whiteys did to south africa but failed miserably. Aboriginal need to wake up or they will simply be absorbed by parastical whiteys a fate worse then anything else. The just look at the natives, Theres probably less then 100 of them in continental america, same with those in canada. How are your rights being voted on by alien shipped to your land less then 100 years ago. They need wake up or go extinct. You have whites claiming to be natives in australia now

Aboriginals 3rd or 4th generation meet their grand parents in prison. They rape their own kids is a fact well hidden by.media. I've heard aboriginals say prison is heaven for them rather then going home cause they get 3 meals in prisons where as at home the fridge is full of alcohol or meth. They need to do lots of soul searching themselves. Why dont they work like african Americans do? None of them work here.


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