
  1. warculus

    This shit is fire, on repeat all day

  2. Prince Abubu

    GENETICS My 23andMe DNA Results

  3. Prince Abubu

    GENETICS Somali genetic buffs come in

    https://tracingafricanroots.wordpress.com/east-africa/ So I may be wrong here, but I noticed that Somalis have the highest percentage of East African ancestry out of any ethnic group in the entire region - usually around ~90% or higher. Even higher than our supposed relatives the Oromo. Is...
  4. Baraf

    GENETICS DNA Tests of ReerXamari individual

    http://anthromadness.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-reer-xamar-are-substantially-mixed.html @TheXamarCadcadGuy ,@HalyeeyQaran Seems like Benadir have a substantial amount of South Asian ancestry