
  1. HuunoHunter

    This shit had me rolling!

  2. TooMacaan

    Canadian Guy re: Somali Guy's Behavior

    Basically "Somali guys be like..." content. It's kind of an old[ish] video so I don't know if there's already a thread on this, (if so, I apologize), but I just happened to stumble upon it and thought I'd share ^.^ What do you guys think? Accurate?
  3. DeathWish

    SOMALI FOB Attacks Prankster

    This Somali guy fights like a wrestler:lolbron:
  4. Nin xun

    Funny webtoon

    Check this out, my sides hurt from laughing too much. :icon lol:
  5. M

    The Official LOL thread for videos, Memes, Black Twitter & funny vines.

    Why don't we have a thread like this already?:ohhh: where people post funny shit they find on the Internet ?? I'll get this started with some classic black twitter. :dead: :deadosama: