
  1. dr.leorio

    And so it begins..

    U.S. drone strikes from the CIA base located southwest of Mogadishu has begun attacking the Al Shabab terrorist group that's supposedly linked with Alqeada. What will become of Somalia when innocent Somali civilians get killed and are euphemistically called "collateral damage"? Does this...
  2. Bohol

    Nimco Ali hails from Gabiley

    Thanks to @oday1kenobi for the exposure. :lolbron: Now compare this Nimco chick that talks about her vagina 24hrs to the classy West Burco girls who made it. Not only are they prettier than those creatures from Gabiley they are also classier and smarter. God bless West Burco...
  3. Human


    For the reer Americans out there, you have to know that political leaders are taking advantage of every mistake Donald Trump is making and they are losing respect for Donald Trump. America First is just another way of saying 'We are going to isolate ourselves and other countries are going to...
  4. Human

    Millions of Yemenis starving in Ramadan

    Millions of Yemenis starving in Ramadan While Muslims worldwide celebrate Ramadan with special meals and tasty treats, millions of Yemenis are going hungry. They are facing what the UN calls the "largest humanitarian crisis in the world". This is the third Ramadan Yemen faces in a state of...
  5. HuunoHunter

    This shit had me rolling!

  6. DrippinglyWet

    Farmajo appoint new Head of intellegence & Mayor of Mogadishu

    HoI appointment Former Ambassador to UK, Abdullah Sanbalolshe, appointed as New head of Somalia intelligence agency. He served earlier , as the Director of the National Intelligence and Security Agency from July to September 2014. Mayor appointment Somalia's Deputy Ambassador to US, Thabit M...
  7. S

    BREAKING NEWS: DNC chooses Tom Perez as new chair over muslim chairman

    DNC choose cooperate-friendly Tom Perez as new leadership http://www.kmbc.com/article/democratic-party-set-to-choose-its-new-chair/8979718
  8. Rorschach

    There's something brewing...

    I can't seem to put my finger on it. Global politics, although at times unpredictable, has been moving in a certain direction ever since the second great war - US global hegemony. This made their global moves quite predictable to those who were aware of their overall goals. All you had to do...
  9. Prince Abubu

    UAE's plan to encircle Somali territories

    http://m.en.rfi.fr/africa/20161224-uae-discreet-yet-powerful-player-horn-africa http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-38956093 https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/society/2017/1/9/emiratis-build-zayed-residential-city-in-yemens-socotra-island In case you haven't noticed, United Sand-...
  10. S

    Gambia's president declares state of emergency

    It seems like a potential new war is on the way: "The spectre of a military intervention in The Gambia now seems closer than ever, following declarations by the United Nations and African Union that boots on the ground could get the green light without a rapid resolution to the crisis. Fears...
  11. S

    Somalia’s passport is more powerful than those of Ethiopia, Djibouti

    Even without a government we have more worldwide acces than our neighboring countries. Imagine how much we could achieve if we had a fully functioning central government. "Somalia’s passport ranks 78th place out of 80, giving passport holders access to 39 countries without an advanced visa. It...
  12. Apollo

    Marxist economist: Richard D. Wolff

    Every month this professor gives a summary of the important economic events with his opinion on it. He's surprisingly entertaining and will turn you into a communist / radical leftist if you listen to his arguments. lol Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/RichardDWolff/videos