
  1. chosen one

    SOMALIA Mogadishu under heavy construction

  2. H

    Reer Waqooye vs Reer Banaadiri accent : Funny shit KKKK

  3. K

    Nice football match in Xamar

    A little bit of positivity for the day:banderas: And Waaberi won:banderas:
  4. xisaabiye

    After 30 years Waaberi vs Hodan Soccer Match

  5. CrossEdge

    So my parents are going to Xamar for the first time since forever

    What's it like I'm getting goosebumps thinking about what might happen looking through the news with shootings/explosions/suicide bombers I'm getting anxious about their safety, how safe is Mogdishu were they exaggerating/pushing it with the news
  6. abdale

    Sir Culus Ninkii horkacayay weerarkii Liido Muuqaalkiisa

  7. abdale

    Back in the days

    I didn't know back in the days Somalis were civilized people with female had good education as the men. http://vintagesomalia.com/