“How the CIA’s 80s Opium Strategy Targeted Soviet Troops and Fueled a 90s AIDS Crisis in Central Asia”

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was the CIA's most heavily funded mooj asset during Operation Cyclone (his org got at least $600M of the $3B CIA sent), was tight w/ bin Laden & the Blind Sheikh (of wtc93 fame), & he ran 6 heroin refineries, making him the pre-eminent mooj heroin trafficker

First screenshot from "Dangerous Harvest: Drug Plants and the Transformation of Indigenous Landscapes"
2,3,4 from "Holy War, Inc."
"Holy War, Inc" describes him as "a sort of bin Laden alter ego" both books are on libgen
Mossad, MI6 and CIA are the biggest chaos makers in the Global south.

American foreign policy is incredibly backward when you think about it. They crack down on drugs domestically but promote, spread and finance it abroad destroying communities along the way.

They always somehow manage to rationalize the contradiction, they don't care about how incredibly evil it makes them appear.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Mossad, MI6 and CIA are the biggest chaos makers in the Global south.

American foreign policy is incredibly backward when you think about it. They crack down on drugs domestically but promote, spread and finance it abroad destroying communities along the way.

They always somehow manage to rationalize the contradiction, they don't care about how incredibly evil it makes them appear.
They imported it into African American communities in the 80s to launder contra drug money

The CIA had one job to to protect American hegemony and they are willing to go to extreme to achieve that goal


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Mossad, MI6 and CIA are the biggest chaos makers in the Global south.

American foreign policy is incredibly backward when you think about it. They crack down on drugs domestically but promote, spread and finance it abroad destroying communities along the way.

They always somehow manage to rationalize the contradiction, they don't care about how incredibly evil it makes them appear.
I wouldn’t say they crack down on it at home. Even Americans know this, they probably control the drug trade in America and use it as covert funds for cia ops cuz they can’t justify increasing the defence budget. Even if they did increase the defence budget the amount they’d get is negligible compared to what they get from the drug trade. Economists love to talk about Italy’s shadow economy controlled by the mafia, but will never mention the massive shadow economy in the US controlled by the CIA. Why do you think the dude in the movie sound of freedom was told by the fbi to stop going after human traffickers, they definitely have the capacity and intelligence to stop it but they benefit from controlling it financially. If they were willing to destroy the black community in the 80s to fund the Iran contra affair, (there’s a great show about this called snowfall) then what wouldn’t they be willing to do? I truly believe the KGB fell short on how far they were willing to go in order to win the Cold War. The CIA was willing to sacrifice everything
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The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
I wouldn’t say they crack down on it at home. Even Americans know this, they probably control the drug trade in America and use it as covert funds for cia ops cuz they can’t justify increasing the defence budget. Even if they did increase the defence budget the amount they’d get is negligible compared to what they get from the drug trade. Economists love to talk about Italy’s shadow economy controlled by the mafia, but will never mention the massive shadow economy in the US controlled by the CIA. Why do you think the dude in the movie sound of freedom was told by the fbi to stop going after human traffickers, they definitely have the capacity and intelligence to stop it but they benefit from controlling it financially. If they were willing to destroy the black community in the 80s to fund the Iran contra affair, (there’s a great show about this called snowfall) then what wouldn’t they be willing to do? I truly believe the KGB fell short on how far they were willing to go in order to win the Cold War. The CIA was willing to sacrifice everything
The American military and cia are linked whith business that’s why the defense budget increases year after year and American companies dominate in the world stage low taxes at home and cia funding

The average American does not care what the American military and cia do abroad as long as there taxes are low and they keep there guns

Do you people realize thanks to the federal reserve these people have unlimited money and thus and unlimited budget why do you think America does not go bankrupt

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
A lot of you have this rosy image of the American government you do know they wiped out native Americans until they were 1 percent of the population and the scraps they are given go back to Uncle Sam due to the casino reservations


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
If I was the head of the intelligence agency in Somalia and I lacked funds from the gov to destabilise neighbouring hostile nations. (Ethiopia Kenya) I’d create a shadow economy by funnelling large amounts of khat into minority communities, heck even ethnic Somali communities, create a drug figure head as a fall guy similar to pablo Escobar so blame is diverted from the failure of the state to instead some drug kingpin. Then I’d get the police to drop any lead they had on stopping the crime so it could continue for as long as my operation needs funding. And once the operation is complete the drug kingpin becomes the fall guy, the drug trade stops conveniently when our enemies are gone, and now those areas i funnelled khat into will bare the burden of our victory and probably be victims of gang activities related to the drug trade. Then the area would have to undergo gentrification and over policing. Until the cycle repeats because there will always be another enemy, another war, another liability. Trump was right when he said Europe doesn’t share the burden of the US, Europe was the main benefactor of the CIA since their intelligence agencies would never have to go as far as americas

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
If I was the head of the intelligence agency in Somalia and I lacked funds from the gov to destabilise neighbouring hostile nations. (Ethiopia Kenya) I’d create a shadow economy by funnelling large amounts of khat into minority communities, heck even ethnic Somali communities, create a drug figure head as a fall guy similar to pablo Escobar so blame is diverted from the failure of the state to instead some drug kingpin. Then I’d get the police to drop any lead they had on stopping the crime so it could continue for as long as my operation needs funding. And once the operation is complete the drug kingpin becomes the fall guy, the drug trade stops conveniently when our enemies are gone, and now those areas i funnelled khat into will bare the burden of our victory and probably be victims of gang activities related to the drug trade. Then the area would have to undergo gentrification and over policing. Until the cycle repeats because there will always be another enemy, another war, another liability. Trump was right when he said Europe doesn’t share the burden of the US, Europe was the main benefactor of the CIA since their intelligence agencies would never have to go as far as americas
You know when trump says “America first ”he means that Americans are above international law and he isn’t gonna pay for Europe’s declining economy and pathetic military



🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
If I was the head of the intelligence agency in Somalia and I lacked funds from the gov to destabilise neighbouring hostile nations. (Ethiopia Kenya) I’d create a shadow economy by funnelling large amounts of khat into minority communities, heck even ethnic Somali communities, create a drug figure head as a fall guy similar to pablo Escobar so blame is diverted from the failure of the state to instead some drug kingpin. Then I’d get the police to drop any lead they had on stopping the crime so it could continue for as long as my operation needs funding. And once the operation is complete the drug kingpin becomes the fall guy, the drug trade stops conveniently when our enemies are gone, and now those areas i funnelled khat into will bare the burden of our victory and probably be victims of gang activities related to the drug trade. Then the area would have to undergo gentrification and over policing. Until the cycle repeats because there will always be another enemy, another war, another liability. Trump was right when he said Europe doesn’t share the burden of the US, Europe was the main benefactor of the CIA since their intelligence agencies would never have to go as far as americas
@Idilinaa @Moon- why the meh face. Intelligence agencies aren’t subject to any law nor should have any morality in their actions so long as the actions preserve the state. One of my favourite quotes by Fredrick Nietzsche is “ I have often laughed at those weaklings who thought themselves good because they bared no claws” I know what I wrote sounds immoral and hypocritical. How could I justify destroying the very people I’m supposed to protect. It’s a human cost and the side effect of preserving the state at ALL costs. Maybe if they head of the NSS during siad barres era did the same Somalia wouldn’t have collapsed. The state was destroyed because he wasn’t willing to go to certain lengths, he would bomb hargesia, weaponise clans against each other but couldn’t create a shadow economy? He couldn’t negotiate a smaller % on oil contracts so they’d begin drilling and he’d get the money he desperately needed to rebuild his armed forces. You have to comprise on some things, everything has its fall out as immoral as it sounds you just have to calculate if the trade off is worth it.
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