“The Moslems Are Praying Outside To Demonstrate Their Power” 😡


Wasiirka arimaha siilka iyo guska
Except it's not a random white American complaining about Muslims praying Eid Salah in the park, it's an ex-Muslim.
Ex Muslims and Americans think the same. They both like pork and alcohol and strippers. And Islam does NOT. Therefore boo Islam!


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Not really. She’s not herself Muslim and doesn’t think hamas represents her interests or that of her people.

Let’s say Palestine is free tomorrow and Hamas wins. Then what? Poverty and futile attacks with home made bombs.
Hoyada was khaniisyhow


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”
Don’t support Hamas. Hamas is destitution and misery. Al Shabab is destitution. Islamic state is destitution. That Muslims are dying is terrible but the answer is not Hamas.
Hamas isn’t the only Palestinian resistance group you dabaal
@Celery take that qashin back you dofaar

Don’t ruin my streak you bila adheeb

baited you’re dumbass to give me a downvote . What streak lol you’re just a troll



Guul iyo Gobanimo
What was it before?
You know that you can support Palestinian statehood without supporting Hamas. Moreover, Hamas is more like a product of the environment. Israel's oppression has created the forces for Hamas' formation. There are even several documents on how Netanyahu planned and armed Hamas so that they would take over power in Gaza to justify his settlers settling in the West Bank


Wasiirka arimaha siilka iyo guska
There are even several documents on how Netanyahu planned and armed Hamas so that they would take over power in Gaza to justify his settlers settling in the West Bank
So…why are people supporting Netanyahus creation? You see how stupid that is


Wasiirka arimaha siilka iyo guska
Because the anger of oppression leads to immoral choices! The same reason Nelson Mandela was classified as a terrorist
Ok I see what you mean. So the Hamas supporters are idiots angered by the deaths of Palestinians.

