🚨Breaking News! Houthis fire a ballistic missile at Tel Aviv, achieving a direct hit.

Direct hit in Tel Aviv - and quite a massive explosion. The missile appears to be landing at an amazing speed: 5 (state-of-the-art) interceptors failed to pinpoint it. This is not only a Houthi achievement (hypersonic missiles? That's cutting-edge technology); Every such launch (and hit) provides Iran with highly valuable intelligence regarding Israel's air defense locations and capabilities. It is the second direct hit in Tel Aviv in two days, and quite an embarrassing episode for Israel's latest attempt at complacency. I cannot imagine the Houthis don't know the meaning of this, so I'm assuming they made preparations for a serious escalation. If they can sustain or even increase this, all aspects of normalcy in Israel are going to be cut short - and that's very costly. For the second time today, I'm repeating what I said yesterday, and what I've been saying consistently: Israel is not winning, it is expanding and escalating and trying to isolate different fronts of this war, yet none of them is under control, and its position is extremely risky in each of them. This looks like it could be the beginning of a new phase in Israel's messianic-genocidal war on everything and everybody

Internet Nomad

Suicidal niggas high on khat.

The Palestine fight is over.

They should just accept a peace deal and accept the proposed borders. Its not herosim anymore it’s recklessness.

Internet Nomad

Allahuakbar its only the Axis of Resistance fighting Israhell. May Allah bless the Houthis and destroy their enemies
They are gonna lose and what will they gain from it? There population is starving but they got money to shot missles as israel.

