🧬Chunkz's 23andMe DNA results


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Interesting he got Congolese DNA, as a reer waqooyi. Usually they push that on the south.
A Isaaq brotha told me that, large amounts of Oromo were assimilated into the clan centuries ago (not sure how accurate that assessment is). That’s probably where it came from, as for the south. Just because a few million Somali Bantu live their doesn’t me we intermarry with them 💀 extremely rare to find a southerner with Bantu DNA.


Entitled uppity East African
A Isaaq brotha told me that, large amounts of Oromo were assimilated into the clan centuries ago (not sure how accurate that assessment is). That’s probably where it came from, as for the south. Just because a few million Somali Bantu live their doesn’t me we intermarry with them 💀 extremely rare to find a southerner with Bantu DNA.
True!!!!Clans who had slaves are the ones who most likely have Bantu DNA.Most clans kept to themselves and didn’t really intermarry that often with their neighbours that’s just my observation :cosbyhmm:


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
True!!!!Clans who had slaves are the ones who most likely have Bantu DNA.Most clans kept to themselves and didn’t really intermarry that often with their neighbours that’s just my observation :cosbyhmm:
Even slave owners never intermarried with them, I believe most clans back then owned Bantu or Oromo slaves. It has been known though that former slaves often claimed their former masters clan, back then and today which was confronted with harsh reaction. The one thing you can’t line about is your qabil in Somalia.
As others have mentioned, it's most likely East African hunter-gatherers that showing as Congolese who once lived in the Horn of Africa, East Africa, and Central Africa, and who contributed genetically to both Cushitic and Bantu groups.

Similarly, when a Rwandan's DNA shows a "Somali" component, it's unlikely to be from modern Somalis. Instead, it's probably from a now-extinct southern Cushitic group that was absorbed over time by bantus. Historically, the range of Cushitic peoples extended deep into Tanzania and the Great Lakes region.

anything below 2% also falls wholly in the margin of error so speculating about supposed Oromo intermixxing to explain away something that might not even be true if we make him do a scientific ancestry test compared to the commerical 100$ he did.

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