1.5 million Somalis to face starvation

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I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
They can start.
They can try. They can do something. Somalia doesn't have that many people.

it's doable sxb.
2018 FGS budget was less than 400M. Do you actually think the goverment can provide "equipments" with that money?!!


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
@Ferrari @Karim We need water recycling and decentralized sewage systems. We need to balance geel and urban life.
More geel = less pollution

More urban = more pollution

This could mean helping sustain Geeljires in order to avoid over-urbanization and/or over population of cities @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman
We will build all those fancy systems once we get our shit together. Security first, the rest are surpluses and privileges.
Somali leaders travel in bullet proof cars with an entourage of soldiers. They eat cake and so do their family members , they do not care about "drought".
2018 FGS budget was less than 400M. Do you actually think the goverment can provide "equipments" with that money?!!
I read somewhere that the we lost around $300mill to illegal fishing alone. Somalia can triple its budget by investing half of that 400mill in fishing and farming.

And can I ask how we are prioritizing security? security is still terrible and without AU forces, which are paid by the west, alshabab would retake the entire country.

I would like to see a breakdown of how the budget is actually used.

I bet you not even 10% of it goes to help the people or the country.


Reformation of Somaliland
Those people should be moved to coastal areas they should eat fish rather than unreliable livestock that depends on whether there is enough grass/rain.

That would be hard. People in places like this are fiercely loyal is much more easier to make a video appealling to PL / SL to build then a water well

This your village
@Ferrari @Karim We need water recycling and decentralized sewage systems. We need to balance geel and urban life.
More geel = less pollution

More urban = more pollution

This could mean helping sustain Geeljires in order to avoid over-urbanization and/or over population of cities @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman

Bro we lack the very basics. imagine all the farmlands we have, and we only farm during rainy season.

or all the coast we have and we don't export enough fishing, we could be making over a billion dollars annually just from fish exports.

Now vultures like china are hoovering around.

Even when it comes to energy, we get like 340 days of sun a year or something roughly close, meaning we are in the best location for solar energy.

We are are just lazy low IQ xoolo to take advantage.

It's like two young niggas who are each given 100 virgins, and a lotion, and they fight and kill each other over who should get the lotion so he could masturbate.:heh:
so probably 3 million if not more, because the south will be worse.
yup I would guess 3million as well, the rivers are drying up and more people are fleeing to the IDPs in banaadir. Overall lower anticipated rainfall in southern Somalia and horn of Africa overall which indicates another drought is on the way, the FGS said 1billion is needed to combat it If I remember correctly.
yup I would guess 3million as well, the rivers are drying up and more people are fleeing to the IDPs in banaadir. Overall lower anticipated rainfall in southern Somalia and horn of Africa overall which indicates another drought is on the way, the FGS said 1billion is needed to combat it If I remember correctly.
Instead of fixing the problem, they can take preventative measures as well.

This government, or the one before it, are not competent enough to deal with these issues.

yup I would guess 3million as well, the rivers are drying up and more people are fleeing to the IDPs in banaadir. Overall lower anticipated rainfall in southern Somalia and horn of Africa overall which indicates another drought is on the way, the FGS said 1billion is needed to combat it If I remember correctly.
that 1 billion will be used to buy out the upcoming elections :meleshame:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I’m going to sound western AF but these nomads should be taught emergency food storing. Like sugar, barley, flour and oil. So when things get tough they’ve something to fall back on.
This is kind of diaspora problem too. We only raise money when their is a major drought, or to send back remittances, but ideally, we should be raising money towards preventative measures so there won't be a next time. God knows the government won't do it cause they're only concerned with making sure they all get paid

It doesn't have to be anything fancy, the early farmers came up with their own irrigation systems and it didn't cost them billions
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