15 year old Syrian child stabbed to death by 3 Turkish kids -- Following rise of anti Arab sentiment

Syrians should be wary of the Turks these people genocided Armenians and Greeks out of anger of losing WW1. They are seeking a way to vent their frustration due to their poor economic situation.
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Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Syrians should be wary of the Turks these people genocides Armenians and Greeks out of anger of losing WW1. They are seeking a way to vent their frustration due to their poor economic situation.
I never understood why Turkey got so much smoke for their neighbours, niggas just genocide everyone around them.
Have somali people been attacked?

All this happened because some Turkish nationalist lied about a underage girl being raped by a Syrian. Just imagine the damage that could have happened to somalis in turkey if he instead falsely accused us.

Do not invest in or visit Turkey.

All this happened because some Turkish nationalist lied about a underage girl being raped by a Syrian. Just imagine the damage that could have happened to somalis in turkey if he instead falsely accused us.

Do not invest in or visit Turkey.

Here's an article about when they chased Somali businessmen out of Ankara by falsely detaining them and the city government was in on it. They were targeted in a Kemalist newspaper and accused of trying to turn the place "into Somalia". Most of the Somalis had western passports and money anyways so they sold their businesses and left. They were already people with better socioeconomic circumstances than the locals so they couldn't nab them on any fake crimes.

It irritates me how naive Somalis are about these people. Go read the twitter comments on the Turkish side of twitter about investments in Somalia and see how paranoid they are. They actually think we want to migrate to their country because we made a couple of deals. It's the opposite, Turks are eating well off of us.
Here's an article about when they chased Somali businessmen out of Ankara by falsely detaining them and the city government was in on it. They were targeted in a Kemalist newspaper and accused of trying to turn the place "into Somalia". Most of the Somalis had western passports and money anyways so they sold their businesses and left. They were already people with better socioeconomic circumstances than the locals so they couldn't nab them on any fake crimes.

It irritates me how naive Somalis are about these people. Go read the twitter comments on the Turkish side of twitter about investments in Somalia and see how paranoid they are. They actually think we want to migrate to their country because we made a couple of deals. It's the opposite, Turks are eating well off of us.
It’s becoming clear that while Türkiye is better than some third world countries, it still isn’t anywhere close to a safe, western country. These cadaans may be cunsuri, but their local govt wouldn’t target legitimate businesses without cause. You are right - Somalis should be open their eyes and be leery of investing there.
These niggas are wild authubillah.
Turkey is truly finished, how on gods green earth do people support this.
Somalia should be weary of supporting these people and allowing them to eye our lands.

This is a wake up call of somalis and mostly syrians. Fix your country or this will be a daily occurance
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