150k African Facebook Page calling Somali slaves

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
HSM is one of the biggest calamities to befall Somalia.

Allow naga qabo
The Somalis have been begging the Arabs to be their maids for decades.

Arab League nations were not allowed to have their own work for each other as maids. The Arabs made an exception for the Somalis who were begging.


Your superior
Beesha hawiye has to be taken to international court and have to be removed from the somali race. the last 24 years they have literally destroyed the somali name and image
The Somalis have been begging the Arabs to be their maids for decades.

Arab League nations were not allowed to have their own work for each other as maids. The Arabs made an exception for the Somalis who were begging.
No Moroccan and Sudanese exited before Somalis but now the Somali government accepted to make official


After all Somalia has been through, in 2012 people had enough and thought they'd see change but it actually got worse with this :donkey::pacspit:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
He's a complete buffoon that makes the semi literate Sheikh Sharif look like Augustus himself

Ceebey tacaal.

Soomaali maanta waa bahdilan tahay:meleshame:

They are following the xabeshi orders


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Those maids were going regardless, your folks in the diaspora are blind to how much starvation, poverty and disease is in Somalia. Telling them not to go make money is not our place. Hundreds of our people drown in the medditeran every couple of months. That should show you the level of desperation.


Those maids were going regardless, your folks in the diaspora are blind to how much starvation, poverty and disease is in Somalia. Telling them not to go make money is not our place. Hundreds of our people drown in the medditeran every couple of months. That should show you the level of desperation.
The solution is then to fix the issues why they are leaving in the first place. Not send them Saudi to become sex slaves.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
When Ethiopia of all countries bans its women from working as maids, you know it's a fucked up situation.
Those maids were going regardless, your folks in the diaspora are blind to how much starvation, poverty and disease is in Somalia. Telling them not to go make money is not our place. Hundreds of our people drown in the medditeran every couple of months. That should show you the level of desperation.

look at these arrogant fools, do you think somalis has sovereign wealth fund. we are one of the poor countries on the planet, honour has it place but it won't save you from starvations. besides, how many of you help somalis back home during the famine in 2011, you realize that 250 thousand women and children starve during the drought. either, build wealth in you countries, giving jobs to young and unemployed or shut up. the stupid of half the people on this forum, waar get back to you shisha avoid issue above you intellect or you pay grade.


Suicidal men adore me.
We should leave the Arab league. What has Arab nations done for us expect spread terrorism on our soil? I dislike shia muslim but let's face it Iran is a much better than Saudi Arabia. And Somali girls working as Maids fucking disgusting. There used to be time when Somali women had maids.


Suicidal men adore me.
The worst part of this is the Arabs will call these girls Abids rape and torture them while our Somali leaders lick their asses for a couple of pennies in Aid. We have a rich country, we have so much natural resources we can export but these fucking politicians are so blinded by corruption and qabil.
We should leave the Arab league. What has Arab nations done for us expect spread terrorism on our soil? I dislike shia muslim but let's face it Iran is a much better than Saudi Arabia. And Somali girls working as Maids fucking disgusting. There used to be time when Somali women had maids.
So heartbreaking i remember back in the day when Somali women has a lebanese/yemenis/ saudi maids in Somalia! And now look .....
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