1700 Early Modern Tombs in Mogadishu


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Dir are reer samaale tho
Zeila is their city which they built
I have two theories.

My understanding we have two ancestral groups of Somali's Dir who probably brought the camel to Horn (a smaller group with not a single man but a group of related men.) from the Sinai or across the Red Sea, and the Hawiye, Darood etc ( much larger group) that probably populated Kenya(lake Turkana) and southern Somalia, while the Dir lived in the north, autosomally is what really matters, no real difference between most Somalis.

The second theory is that T AND E Somalis came to the region around the same time, since we can find T also in southern Cushites, what we consider Somali is a very old confederacy that ended up intermarrying and keeping divisions, current breakdown is less then two thousands years old until we get more genetic samples and ancient genetic sequences we won't know.
I have two theories.

My understanding we have two ancestral groups of Somali's Dir who probably brought the camel to Horn (a smaller group with not a single man but a group of related men.) from the Sinai or across the Red Sea, and the Hawiye, Darood etc ( much larger group) that probably populated Kenya(lake Turkana) and southern Somalia, while the Dir lived in the north, autosomally is what really matters, no real difference between most Somalis.

The second theory is that T AND E Somalis came to the region around the same time, since we can find T also in southern Cushites, what we consider Somali is a very old confederacy that ended up intermarrying and keeping divisions, current breakdown is less then two thousands years old until we get more genetic samples and ancient genetic sequences we won't know.
What's hawiye and darood got to do with lake Turkana, their migration was from Eastern Ethiopia then westwards .