2000 Oromo atin Berbera

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soon all the jobs in new port of Berbera will be taken by them. Small town like Berbera has 2000 Oromo now. Please edit the thread name thanks 2000 Oromo at breach in Berbera


They live in the city and suck the jobs from locals

Your talking like Trump now @Canuck. Majority of these jobs are jobs the local wouldn't do. Somalis are lazy in general, so having cheap labour force is good for the economy.

If it was my choice, I would import around 500,000 Oromo, 200,000 Syrians, Egyptians, Europeans and other African's and distribute them across Somalia to revive the economy.
When you can feed your own people first then think about others plus in near future those Oromo will demand their share from government unlike Yemen or Egyptain who will do their jobs or business or Syrian in west Africa. Leave trump card because you are in Africa home of hotel Rwanda. That's what the Oromo did to hawiye in Ethiopia (burnt live to change their ethnic Oromo )


View attachment 2978 When you can feed your own people first then think about others plus in near future those Oromo will demand their share from government unlike Yemen or Egyptain who will do their jobs or business or Syrian in west Africa. Leave trump card because you are in Africa home of hotel Rwanda. That's what the Oromo did to hawiye in Ethiopia (burnt live to change their ethnic Oromo )

The chance of Oromo actually having any power in Somalia is fantasy. It reminds me of how trump uses fear of Muslims to gain votes.
Somalia needs a good and healthy immigration. Most people here don't know but, more population=more tax=more government revenue=more development.
Somalia at the moment is under populated, thats why we have so many destitute and poor cities.
The government could easily stop this if they wanted to. But it seems like they don't care. Otherwise they would fine employers who hire Ethiopian nationals.
If you watch the video the government is trying their best
That's in regular countries not Somalia where last month 400 youth drown in sea and their girls had to go to Saudi as maids while the Oromo enjoying in our beaches


That's in regular countries not Somalia where last month 400 youth drown in sea and their girls had to go to Saudi as maids while the Oromo enjoying in our beaches

Wouldn't it be better to integrate the oromo, just like we have been integrated into western societies, as tax's paying citizens who contribute to the economy (while most of us). Furthermore having more immigration in Somalia would mean that Somalis actually have a chance to interact with others instead of their stupid little qabil and reduce xenophobic behavior.
The chance of Oromo actually having any power in Somalia is fantasy. It reminds me of how trump uses fear of Muslims to gain votes.
Somalia needs a good and healthy immigration. Most people here don't know but, more population=more tax=more government revenue=more development.
Somalia at the moment is under populated, thats why we have so many destitute and poor cities.
Imgration must be in organized way first we need doctors Syria and Egypt immgrants can come here. Yemen intergate well to our community. Indians also intergate well in the past in our community where else reer xamar came from these countries ( Yemen India Pakistan) but Oromo who have false history claim to your country and high HIV rate and been war for past 600 years wake and smell the coffee
Wouldn't it be better to integrate the oromo, just like we have been integrated into western societies, as tax's paying citizens who contribute to the economy (while most of us). Furthermore having more immigration in Somalia would mean that Somalis actually have a chance to interact with others instead of their stupid little qabil and reduce xenophobic behavior.
We as Somalis are killing each other and you want to bring strangers weird very weird


Imgration must be in organized way first we need doctors Syria and Egypt immgrants can come here. Yemen intergate well to our community. Indians also intergate well in the past in our community where else reer xamar came from these countries ( Yemen India Pakistan) but Oromo who have false history claim to your country and high HIV rate and been war for past 600 years wake and smell the coffee

I would prefer Oromo over Yemenis or Indians any day. Secondly I haven't seen any Oromo claiming Somalia or bring HIV nor have we fought them, most of the wars were with the Abyssinian. Do you know that under Somali xeer law, Somalis and Oromo had the same right?


Meticulously calculated...........
Wouldn't it be better to integrate the oromo, just like we have been integrated into western societies, as tax's paying citizens who contribute to the economy (while most of us). Furthermore having more immigration in Somalia would mean that Somalis actually have a chance to interact with others instead of their stupid little qabil and reduce xenophobic behavior.
Integrate kulaha mawaalatay, we share a border with these people. the more of them in somalia the more likely they will claim it, and the last thing i want is an Ethiopian claiming badaha somaliyeed.


Integrate kulaha mawaalatay, we share a border with these people. the more of them in somalia the more likely they will claim it, and the last thing i want is an Ethiopian claiming badaha somaliyeed.

Ninyhow, You guys haven't actually put one legitimate reason why Oromos are a threat, other then fear mongering, the same tool Trump has used so effectively. Bring your case with evidence.


Your superior
I support this as a person whose clan owns Berbera. I am OK with it.

@Canuck this is my town and I am OK with it, complain about oromo in khaatumo or puntland but don't talk about my cities
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