2017 is the Year of Somali Self-Hate (is Naciis)

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Self hate is inevitable as an immature teen when you compare where you live to where you come from. I can't blame them since they are teens who don't know much but self hate for adults is considered a mental illness.

As for the diaspora. I hope the best for them but my goodness are they seriously screwed both economically and culturally. Economically they're in trouble because they have nothing in their name. First generation immigrants will have to work extra hard to get themselves up. As a result, the lazy ones and the ones that didn't get opportunities will have a rough life in the ghettos.

Culturally they're hopeless because half of them will integrate so well and breed themselve out of existence while the other half are just gonna be lost confused generations that know nothing about being Somali more than banana and rice, pirate, etc ... the typical internet meme stereotype shit.

But that's only for those who remain in the country for generations to come. Most likely the largest chunk of the diaspora will do some heavy mass migration back to Somalia sooner than later.

Whatever the case, the 2020s are gonna be interesting. The only thing stopping me from packing my bags and forever leaving this country is my degree. As soon as I get it I'm not spending a single second longer than I have to here. Always knew since a small kid that I never belonged here and never will
Exactly sxb, my brain may be in the west(for now), but my heart will always be in Somalia.

Classism is a huge improvement over qabilism. You can change you class, you can't change your qabil.

Meritocracy isn't a reality for many, most will be stuck in the same class they're born into. I'd rather not discriminate based on either

In order to have an organised society, we need a class system to separate the lazy losers from the successful wealth creators & middle class. Equity is more important than equality.

Why do you bootstrap types always simplify stuff :susp:


Classism is a huge improvement over qabilism. You can change you class, you can't change your qabil.
Depends on how serious you are abti. Man's looking to start his own clan. I'm still working on the backstory, none that we wuz ayyrabs n sheit. It's overplayed :idontlike:
Classism is a huge improvement over qabilism. You can change you class, you can't change your qabil.

The two go together and feed off from one another. I entertain buying a home and living in Daami - Hargaysa for example and become a legend. Change both my clan and class to start new revolution based on education and activism. Of course, marrying the best in Daami will be a perk LOL.
I'm not talking about owning homes, as I've seen many Somali millennials owning either condos or homes.

Learning the language, culture, and going back home to invest is not going to happen in the near future. A lot of Somali millennials don't give a damn about learning their language because they say "well, i'm not in Somalia and i'm not going to live there". However when it comes to culture they will show pride over it because it's the new "It" thing to do (on Instagram nowadays it's obligatory for Somali millennials to have the Somalia flag in their bios).

Going back home and investing isn't really something the millennials are interested in doing because alot of the millennials want to "turn up like it's 1995" and get "LITTY AGAIN WITH THE BROS".

They don't want to go back home to Somalia unless they need to show off to Instagram and take an iconic pic standing next to Liido Beach. There's a few percentage of millennials that are business-minded and want to invest in back home.
“Me and my clan against the world.
Me and my family against my clan.
Me and my brother against my family.
Me against my brother.”

It is embedded in our psyche.
In order to have an organised society, we need a class system to separate the lazy losers from the successful wealth creators & middle class. Equity is more important than equality.

f*ck. THAT. What person would wish for a system run by the bourgeoisie, besides the ignorant and the one who wants to be them? It's insanity.

Rule belongs to the ruler, who in turn is kept in check by the Judiciary and the (hypothetical) Council of Qabeel Elders. Besides those political classes, everyone else must be elevated collectively to reach a stage of spiritual and educational enlightenment, as well as good health and property ownership. We must strive for this and nothing less. Not wish for a broken (admittedly functional) system that only leads to the accumulation of wealth by the few.
f*ck. THAT. What person would wish for a system run by the bourgeoisie, besides the ignorant and the one who wants to be them? It's insanity.

Rule belongs to the ruler, who in turn is kept in check by the Judiciary and the (hypothetical) Council of Qabeel Elders. Besides those political classes, everyone else must be elevated collectively to reach a stage of spiritual and educational enlightenment, as well as good health and property ownership. We must strive for this and nothing less. Not wish for a broken (admittedly functional) system that only leads to the accumulation of wealth by the few.
I don't want the bourgeoisie class ruling the country, i want the country ruled by those with a vision and have the merits not because of lineage or family background. I want a collectivist society were all classes co-operate with each other. If people want to move up, then they'll have to create their own success by creating business, albeit with some help from gov't, such as grants etc. A free lunch isn't going to motivate people to create wealth. We need a pro-business/capitalist gov't, not a socialist one.
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
@SOMALI GENERAL lazy losers seldom stay lazy losers

successful wealth generators seldom stay wealth generators

what you get is societal gentry vs. a cycle of poverty. you can be all for capitalism but meritocracies don't regulate themselves; there's always an outside force that acts on it. only fools believe that's still a concept. also wealth generation sometimes lives off the premise that wealth in any way shape or form trickles down - a facade. what wealth generates is job creation and fiscal responsibility on the part of institutions and governments. a few people getting rich does not elevate a standard for others over a long period of time. and as long as wealth can be distributed among kin, it absolves the concepts of meritocracies.

what you get is one generation of hardworking and relatively successful people and subsequent generations of lazy, lackadaisical policies that benefit the families and social circles those prominent people belong to. this is the way it has happened since the age of industrialization and beyond so i don't quite see why we debate this.

absolute socialism is a sham, unfettered capitalism is a prison.
@SOMALI GENERAL lazy losers seldom stay lazy losers

successful wealth generators seldom stay wealth generators

what you get is societal gentry vs. a cycle of poverty. you can be all for capitalism but meritocracies don't regulate themselves; there's always an outside force that acts on it. only fools believe that's still a concept. also wealth generation sometimes lives off the premise that wealth in any way shape or form trickles down - a facade. what wealth generates is job creation and fiscal responsibility on the part of institutions and governments. a few people getting rich does not elevate a standard for others over a long period of time. and as long as wealth can be distributed among kin, it absolves the concepts of meritocracies.

what you get is one generation of hardworking and relatively successful people and subsequent generations of lazy, lackadaisical policies that benefit the families and social circles those prominent people belong to. this is the way it has happened since the age of industrialization and beyond so i don't quite see why we debate this.

absolute socialism is a sham, unfettered capitalism is a prison.
Yeah i agree, we need to follow the middle path to prevent unfettered capitalism that allows lazy people who inherit vast amounts of wealth are taxed accordingly or be given the opportunity to work with the gov't to invest & create new business. Whilst also making sure those poor hard-working & creative individuals who want to start a new business get the necessary help they need to create more wealth.
I don't want the bourgeoisie class ruling the country, i want the country ruled by those with a vision and have the merits not because of lineage or family background. I want a collectivist society were all classes co-operate with each other. If people want to move up, then they'll have to create their own success by creating business, albeit with some help from gov't, such as grants etc. A free lunch isn't going to motivate people to create wealth. We need a pro-business/capitalist gov't, not a socialist one.

You're not factoring in human nature in your line of thinking. What happens when the few have the most? Their progeny inherits their wealth. Over time these families cement their positions in the highest echelon of society. This is an inevitable consequence. History is prove of this.
Is Nacaybka:

(also called self-loathing) refers to an extreme dislike or hatred of oneself, or being angry at or even prejudiced against oneself. The term is also used to designate a dislike or hatred of a group, family, social class, or stereotype to which one belongs and/or has. For instance, "ethnic self-hatred" is the extreme dislike of one's ethnic group or cultural classification. It may be associated with aspects of autophobia.

Would you say marrying outside of your culture is a form of self-hate?
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