I think warren buffet investment philosophy makes sense. But I am not sure if people will know what it really means if you don't understand architecture as they will just copy word for word what he is saying in his philosophy and not understanding the real meaning behind it.
His idea is invest in a company that is operating at least 10 years so u got 5 year track record to review of growth so this eliminates bitcoin and mostly tech stuff, but at the same time check out management of the place and their history which is damn true, I wouldn't trust a 20 year old something that's for sure, I prefer a 50-60 year old that is proven his stripes, plus u gotta look for what differentiates the business your investing into compared to the others in the market.
If your all selling coffee basically, what is that makes you the one their going to drink coffee at which comes down to the management strategies how to minimize operating costs and expand on gaps in the market and eliminate competition thru any tactic possible.
His investment philosophy is pretty spot on but it doesn't understand the full lay out of the architecture and the factors that are involved beyond the market place and geopolitically. Plus I don't agree you should go to the sharemarket of whatever its called with little money which he did apparently buying low cost stocks thinking it was cheap but cheap dont mean u making money, its better buying something more expensive that actually makes money but going to the share market wouldn't be my approach anyways especially with a small capital. If you got a small capital u need to play in small markets to build it up.
His idea is invest in a company that is operating at least 10 years so u got 5 year track record to review of growth so this eliminates bitcoin and mostly tech stuff, but at the same time check out management of the place and their history which is damn true, I wouldn't trust a 20 year old something that's for sure, I prefer a 50-60 year old that is proven his stripes, plus u gotta look for what differentiates the business your investing into compared to the others in the market.
If your all selling coffee basically, what is that makes you the one their going to drink coffee at which comes down to the management strategies how to minimize operating costs and expand on gaps in the market and eliminate competition thru any tactic possible.
His investment philosophy is pretty spot on but it doesn't understand the full lay out of the architecture and the factors that are involved beyond the market place and geopolitically. Plus I don't agree you should go to the sharemarket of whatever its called with little money which he did apparently buying low cost stocks thinking it was cheap but cheap dont mean u making money, its better buying something more expensive that actually makes money but going to the share market wouldn't be my approach anyways especially with a small capital. If you got a small capital u need to play in small markets to build it up.