2060 targets an annual income of $4K for every #Somali citizen


I can make $100k a year in puntland just by exporting livestock 😂😂 the bunker government is a failed project of Uganda 🇺🇬 @Jungle

Yeah we actually get good prices 1k for camels in gulf markets, I bet if we ship our sheep's and cows to other developed markets, prices will be international rates.

Frankincense and Fishery we are robbed, the actual fishers r stupid not seeing final prices in shops and losing alot of value chain thru supply chain actors or middle.men.

I think they give 50 cent per fish to PL fisherman but sold for like 30 a kilo in the international market. Its a still better game then vegetables and fruits which is petty 2 dollar a kilo in the developed world, each one is like 1 cent which is why I am shocked why PL is farming. There is no profits in farming unless a govt gives them tax breaks and grants really, it's over supplied world wide pushing prices down and low.
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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
While they feast of the NGO money meant to reach those who are under $1k taking (read looting) more than $4k a month. Honestly, xildhibaan role in Somalia is so negligent that it would actually be better for them not to exist. What annoys me more than anything is how arrogant they are because they think they have position of power (in reality they don't they tapdance for looted NGO money lol - what pathetic human beings).
Xildhiban are actually useful, PL & JL are just dumb and made sure those that went, could be bribed. If they didn’t do that, hamza wouldn’t be PM right now from being impeached, and Hassan would be having nightmares of all the cabinet reshuffles he would face, and PL/JL could actually get their demands.

beesha darood are hust stupid sometimes unfortunately.

Garaad Awal

Former African
4K while the population of the former Somali Republic (including SL) will grow 161% by 2060 💀 Somalians & Sub-Saharan Africans in general are cooked
Xildhiban are actually useful, PL & JL are just dumb and made sure those that went, could be bribed. If they didn’t do that, hamza wouldn’t be PM right now from being impeached, and Hassan would be having nightmares of all the cabinet reshuffles he would face, and PL/JL could actually get their demands.

beesha darood are hust stupid sometimes unfortunately.
Every single Xildhiban voted in favor of everything that was put in front of them without reading it including the constitutional amendments so how does that make just PL & JL stupid?


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Every single Xildhiban voted in favor of everything that was put in front of them without reading it including the constitutional amendments so how does that make just PL & JL stupid?
They sent people that have 0 sharaf, only ones that care about mushaar. When that’s their only priority, bribery would be quite easy to accomplish for FGS to get what they want pushed through. That’s 100% on PL & JL. This is what a working parliament looks like.
