23andme about to go bankrupt your data is in halis


Dahmi Sugule Mechometus Dhu Kidsh
sending a sample of your DNA to an unaccountable company that keeps it forever was never a good bet.
They may make bioweapons specific to your DNA. Gene editing is real.



Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Nervous Key And Peele GIF


♚Sargon of Adal♚
It’s more detrimental if you’re from the US and insurance companies buy your data so they can overcharge people more at risk of certain diseases
Most Somali didn't get genetic markers for certain diseases bar gluten intolerance that could develop into celiac disease.


Staff Member
Anyone who wasn't trend-driven could've seen this coming, some niggas really sent their dna samples just to get a 100% Somali result back la xawla :dead: :dead:

All them idiots giving their DNA only to be told they are 100% somali 🤣🤣🤣

Somalis were doing it because, they without any shame, insisted they were Arab. True story. I have been telling them they were wrong. When reality hit them, they quietly left Somali forums due to embarrassment. The biggest Arab identifying people got some Bantu and had maximum embarrassment.