23nme results and illustrative dna

Not into this dna stuff or qabilism but however ive seen so much slander on my akisho kinfolks so i definitely was curious and had to find out lol. Btw i did this for fun only, im not here for slanders and hate laakin i might have time for a lil entertainment 😂 who knows. I actually dont know how to look at the illustrative dna results so ima jus post the 23nme and maybe 1 of yall geeks in this can help out


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El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Save money and do an Yfull. It will reveal what branch of E-v32 you will have. You are 100% somali, so we can discare Akisho being oromos for now.
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Not into this dna stuff or qabilism but however ive seen so much slander on my akisho kinfolks so i definitely was curious and had to find out lol. Btw i did this for fun only, im not here for slanders and hate laakin i might have time for a lil entertainment 😂 who knows. I actually dont know how to look at the illustrative dna results so ima jus post the 23nme and maybe 1 of yall geeks in this can help out

Are you legit Akisho? Very interesting


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Not into this dna stuff or qabilism but however ive seen so much slander on my akisho kinfolks so i definitely was curious and had to find out lol. Btw i did this for fun only, im not here for slanders and hate laakin i might have time for a lil entertainment 😂 who knows. I actually dont know how to look at the illustrative dna results so ima jus post the 23nme and maybe 1 of yall geeks in this can help out
Good luck Liban,

Season 3 Laughing GIF by The Simpsons

On a serious note sxb,

Make sure you double check every time you post something, so as to not expose yourself.
Good luck Liban,

Season 3 Laughing GIF by The Simpsons

On a serious note sxb,

Make sure you double check every time you post something, so as to not expose yourself.
For sure laakin its all good, i feel like i didn’t expose anything i wouldn’t have. Might give u my last name on the side


Dir looking like another confederation😢


Gurgura and now Akisho getting E-V32, if they land in the same sub clade will clear a lot, we need to test more individuals.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
100% I have funny feeling those E-V32 will match closely with Hawiye.

Of course you guys are Irir after all. What remains to be seen is if these E-v32 dirs match up with each other and meet up with each other at the same time as T dirs do. That has been my theory for a while.