28 dead after Munich attack afghan national drives through busy crowd


Forza Somalia!
They should just detain the suspect they have, it makes no sense to say known to the police after they do it.
Omg not again

Do you think this is all by coincidence? The German elections will take place after 10 days, the far right ADF party have gained a lot of support but it was still looking unlikely that they would win. But with this terror act just before the elections? It will be fresh in the mind of voters and imo sway a lot of people to vote for the far right party. I don't know but it just seems too convenient....

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
alot of immigrants in the west have ptsd or literaly brain damaged
The ones in Europe are playing with literal fire the continents economy is stagnating and the welfare state is becoming increasingly unsustainable these poorly behaved ungrateful immigrants will be the scapegoats and will be the reason right wing parties gain power


Shaqo la'an ba kuu heysaata
The ones in Europe are playing with literal fire the continents economy is stagnating and the welfare state is becoming increasingly unsustainable these poorly behaved ungrateful immigrants will be the scapegoats and will be the reason right wing parties gain power
10 days before the election. We're not making it...


ރ 🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
Wow, another focking "refugee". Why is he in Germany when Afghanistan is safe and governable under Taliban rule?

Send them back. All of the fakeugees have to go back.

Godspeed, AfD.
Its an crazy world when Taleban has continuosly told the German progressives they want their government to be recognized+consulate in Berlin in exchange for co-operating on asulyum seeker issue the German progressives have ignored Taleban constantly.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Its a crazy world when Taleban has continuosly told the German progressives they want their government to be recognized+consulate in Berlin in exchange for co-operating on asulyum seeker issue the German progressives have ignored Taleban constantly.
The talbian are more reasonable than people give them credit they offered to turn over bin Laden but were refused


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