2nd Somali owned commercial airline makes its first commercial flight.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
If entrepreneurs and businesses men from Somalia and outside it can start their own airline, why canโ€™t the national airline be brought back?


Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
If entrepreneurs and businesses men from Somalia and outside it can start their own airline, why canโ€™t the national airline be brought back?
Because the government is too corrupt for that. Common theme in Somalia's development is Individual Men doing what the state should be. But these individuals cannot do everything so Somalia is still lagging. For example, a man can build a construction company which replaces those tin homes in the cities. But it's not going to happen because the government hasn't built any roads, sewage pipes ect. The people can only do so much. Infrastructure must be built.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
This is owned by a women

If entrepreneurs and businesses men from Somalia and outside it can start their own airline, why canโ€™t the national airline be brought back?

Private sector = Functional and less corrupt

Public Sector/Govt = Non-Functional and corrupt.

Somalia is a country carried by it's private sector. So privately run airlines is to be expected.

The robust aviation industry is kinda of a success story in it of itself, if you think about it.
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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Private sector = Functional and less corrupt

Public Sector/Govt = Non-Functional and corrupt.

Somalia is a country carried by it's private sector. So privately run airlines is to be expected.

The robust aviation industry is kinda of a success story in it of itself, if you think about it.
Competing prices and more airlines will give heightened chances of one succeeding. Although if we are being frank, these airlines themselves and how high their ceiling of success is depends on whoโ€™s running the country. The Somali passport and travel restrictions for both citizens and non citizens is getting worse and worse. With Italy banning our visaโ€™s just a week ago due to this corrupt administration. The corruption needs to be dealt with otherwise what somalia has will always we squandered.
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Iโ€™d prefer one big airline company to be honest. I think weโ€™ve seen companies try to compete with each other (Daallo vs Juba) and it just ends up being mid vs mid.
Competing prices and more airlines will give heightened chances of one succeeding. Although if we are being frank, these airlines themselves and how high their ceiling of success is depends on whoโ€™s running the country. The Somali passport and travel restrictions for both citizens and non citizens is getting worse and worse. With Italy banning our visaโ€™s just a week ago due to this corrupt administration. The corruption needs to be dealt with otherwise what somalia has will always we squandered.

Ideally what i think they should do is create is a federation for it with the historical Somali Airline playing a central role.

Yeah you are right. It's the governmental system they placed that's making things corrupt. I made thread the few about civic reconstruction, give it a read. https://www.somalispot.com/threads/...-a-somali-civic-identity.172633/#post-4155408