Mogadishu sultanate? Existent in 10th till the 14th, making it older, lasting longer than ANY sultanate you might have.
We all know Jeberti married Aji UGLIEST xabesha servant how does it feel knowing that your ancestor booty clapped for the SAMAALE clan miskiin. Read Ibn khaldoun journey to Mogadishu and how he was mesmerised by it. There is a detailed account of the hawiye clan in thethe conquest of habesh tell me where in the book is the DAROOD clan named dropped. Said of Mogadishu added immensely to Islamic academia. I can go on and on. Miskiin hiding behind MJbet my direct family is bigger than your entire qabill
Hawiye were in the outskirts of Benaadir during any so-called Caliphate, don't attempt to rewrite history.
As for Daarood's wife, she was Doombire Direed. You never get tired of lying do you?
Kulaha Ajuuraan is Hawiye, get the hell out of here.
I don't even need to mention Daarood, Harti was directly involved.
The chronicler Shihāb al-Dīn indicates, for example, that 300 Harti soldiers took part in Imam Ahmad's Adal Sultanate army. He describes them specifically as "famous among the infantry as stolid swordsmen" and "a people not given to yielding"