3,000 Puntite warriors to join Federal Army

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Wait first it was HG trying to force other people into their state and stealing their land when they really want to be with Puntland, and now it's a Darood invasion on Galmudug?:dead:

Again, what does fighting over grazing land have to do with political representation. That's like Somaliland claiming they're not fighting Dhulbahante over wells because they have Dhulo MPs in Somaliland's parliament. Logic is not your strong suit is it ya hutu..

Cotdammit, this is a tedious debate.
Wait oh shit I double checked

Madhiban alone got as MPs and therefore as much power in Galmudug as Dasjhisje does in Puntland :damn::damn::damn::damn::damn:


So? I enjoy seeing HAG political power diluted, please keep telling me which other non-HAG clans you gave power to. I am still laughing at seeing Meheri win some seats in Galnuswiye whilst having ZERO presence in Southern Mudug. Sneaky Yemenis. They all have Daarood mothers, grandmothers, wives or relatives, it's like giving a seat to Cumar Maxamoud. Hutuwiye bilaa caqli. Even the Meheri livestock Minister is half Reer Bicidyahan, guess where his house is.:lolbron:

So? I enjoy seeing HAG political power diluted, please keep telling which other non-HAG clans you gave power to. I am still laughing at seeing Meheri win some seats in Galnuswiye whilst having ZERO presence in Southern Mudug. Sneaky Yemenis.:lolbron:
I'm laughing at Dasjhisje having as much power as Madhiban does in Galmudug despite literally owning the largest city in Puntland:dead:

And your Sultans get insulted and thrown around by the Puntland administration :dead:

no joking you guys deserve better :francis: hurts my heart to see qabiil discrimination like this :mjcry:
I'm laughing at Dasjhisje having as much power as Madhiban does in Galmudug despite literally owning the largest city in Puntland:dead:

And your Sultans get insulted and thrown around by the Puntland administration :dead:

no joking you guys deserve better :francis: hurts my heart to see qabiil discrimination like this :mjcry:

Why do you think comparing me to Madhibaan political prowess is some kind of insult. :comeon:
As for that Sultan, he's a shabaabi sympathiser, I'd smack him around myself if I had the time.

I own the most profitable city in Somalia and have enough political and military power.

Galnuswiye on the other hand opened their house to pseudo-Majeerteen aka Carab Saalax (do you even know who these people are, if you did you would be weeping) and Daarood (SADE), yet you are trying to make me feel bad.
Nigga, I am having an early Eid, you gave me such great news. Mahadsanid.
I have withnessed in this thread a complete disintegration in someone capability to hold a debate:chrisfreshhah: go shine your Bermuda Triangle mastahs shoes boi:camby:


How little you know, Maxamoud Saleebaan and Dashishe both enforced the Sultanate upon your wretched heads.
You somehow deluded yourself into thinking that there is an "us vs them". No, it's US vs YOU.

We come from the same parents, we share the same land, the same history and the same future. Ka nax oo nafta waa, say hi to my Meheri and Sade brothers for me. Can't wait to see how they vote on future issues. :chrisfreshhah:

How little you know, Maxamoud Saleebaan and Dashishe both enforced the Sultanate upon your wretched heads.
You somehow deluded yourself into thinking that there is an "us vs them". No, it's US vs YOU.

We come from the same parents, we share the same land, the same history and the same future. Ka nax oo nafta waa, say hi to my Meheri and Sade brothers for me. Can't wait to see how they vote on future issues. :chrisfreshhah:
Are you feeble minded ? Posting even more baseless and absurd claims what next are you going to say that MJs when to the moon.

Also for the millionth time I'm not HG dufus
Why do you think comparing me to Madhibaan political prowess is some kind of insult. :comeon:
As for that Sultan, he's a shabaabi sympathiser, I'd smack him around myself if I had the time.

I own the most profitable city in Somalia and have enough political and military power.

Galnuswiye on the other hand opened their house to pseudo-Majeerteen aka Carab Saalax (do you even know who these people are, if you did you would be weeping) and Daarood (SADE), yet you are trying to make me feel bad.
Nigga, I am having an early Eid, you gave me such great news. Mahadsanid.
lol Carab Salax has 1 seat anyways, almost as much power as Dasjhisje in Puntland so no worries if they turn out to be some "evil people" kkkkkk
lol Carab Salax has 1 seat anyways, almost as much power as Dasjhisje in Puntland so no worries if they turn out to be some "evil people" kkkkkk

Evil? No, just aligned with their interests and self-preservation, just like Mareexaan. You attacked them during 1991, don't think they have forgotten but by all means, keep adopting more non-HAG into your HAG state. As for Mareexaan, don't think they don't want Gelinsoor and Dhuusamareeb back but you added the cherry on top and gave them land in Cadaado.

Like I said, Unuka IDIN la leh.

Evil? No, just aligned with their interests and self-preservation, just like Mareexaan. You attacked them during 1991, don't think they have forgotten but by all means, keep adopting more non-HAG into your HAG state. As for Mareexaan, don't think they don't want Gelinsoor and Dhuusamareeb back but you added the cherry on top and gave them land in Cadaado.

Like I said, Unuka IDIN la leh.


The damage done by MJ done to their "brothers" the MX far outweighs it, you BETRAYED them and that betrayal has destroyed DAROOD Nino like many things the TRIANGLE has destroyed
The damage done by MJ done to their "brothers" the MX far outweighs it, you BETRAYED them and that betrayal has destroyed DAROOD Nino like many things the TRIANGLE has destroyed

Again, instead of relying on HUTUWIYE pride, you NEED to adopt Daarood into your confederation of rejects. You think they're like the Bantu who became Kamasle Hawiye?

BUT BUT, MAreexaan Iz our frendddd :drakelaugh:
Who is next on the shukaansi list? Meheri? Leelkase? GTFOOH.
By the way YELLOW is Daarood and that blue-ish colour is the land langaab Hutuwiye.
Do you want me to teach you what the different colours are?




A map of around 1977 approved by the SIYAAD barre gov vs mine map from around 1995 made by the UN which one looks more trust worthy ? If the 1977 map was the true then why did the USC steamroll all other clan militia :hahaidiot::hahaidiot:

A map of around 1977 approved by the SIYAAD barre gov vs mine map from around 1995 made by the UN which one looks more trust worthy ? If the 1977 map was the true then why did the USC steamroll all other clan militia :hahaidiot::hahaidiot:

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Do you guys see what I am dealing with? Next he will claim that HAG is the majority in Sool, Sanaag, Cayn, Bari, Nugaal, Mudug, Jubooyinka, Gedo, Ogaadeenia & NFD.

My fingers are getting tired from listing dhulka laandheerka Daarood. Beesha Barakaysan. Let me go listen to the laandheer soundtrack by Saado Cali (AUN)
Again, instead of relying on HUTUWIYE pride, you NEED to adopt Daarood into your confederation of rejects. You think they're like the Bantu who became Kamasle Hawiye?

BUT BUT, MAreexaan Iz our frendddd :drakelaugh:
Who is next on the shukaansi list? Meheri? Leelkase? GTFOOH.

Just pointing out facts, don't hate us because we PLAY and WIN the game of thrones.:hahaidiot:

Miskiin needs to devolve this thread to a hawiye vs darood thread cause he's all outta arguments
Just pointing out facts, don't hate us because we PLAY and WIN the game of thrones.:hahaidiot:

Miskiin needs to develops third thread to a hawiye and darood thread cause he's all outta arguments

List your regions ya Laangaab oo dhulka lagu ciriiriyay.
You said you had more land, what are your gobols. Waan ku sugiya dameeryahow, tiri.

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