3 die on Puntland side after Puntland Education Minister is attacked near Erigavo

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It's true the troops came more from the direction of Dararweyne but they achieved nothing.

SNM is stuck in Yubbe and why they didn't make a move on Damalla Xagarre is quite obvious.
No. The Sl troops are south of jidaali. They were pushed back from yuube.
This minister was in Yuube 2 days ago.
According to Warsangeli websites, Dhulo SLers attacked them after the first batch of Isaaq were crushed.

They attacked Warsangeli for being in WARSANGELI land? How will these dead SL footsoldiers explain themselves in the hereafter? If they are that poor, go cut some hair or sell samosas in the street, don't kill your own kin for Isaaq dollars. :kanyehmm:

Maleeshiyaadka beelaha Isaaq oo mar kale gardaro ku soo weeraray degaano ay degaan beesha Warsangeli.

Maleeshiyaadka Isaaq ayaa soo weeray Wasiirka Waxbarshada Puntland C/laahi Maxamed Xasan , isaga oo ku sugan magaalada uu ka soo jeedo ee Damala Xagare.

Ilaaladii wasiirka ayaa iska difaaacday weerarkii maleeshiyaadka beelaha Isaaq u dhamaayeen.

Nasiib xumo, markii loo xoog sheegta maleeshiyaaskii SNM oo la jebiyey, ayeey si xun oo bani aadanimadda ka baxsan oo dhaqankooda ah waxay u soo adeegsadeen Ciidamo ka mushahaar qaata SNM, oo ka soo jeeda beesha Dhulbahnante.
Snm attacked and had 2 issaq killed. Then they called dhulos reinforcements and had 6 dhulos killed. 2 reer xaaji were killed as well. Reinforcements came from yuube and dhahar. They tried to sneak attack when he was in yuube 2 days ago but were fended off By PL soliders.
Most people just jump to conclusions.
Suldaanka are they still controlling the town?

Yubbe is occupied and local Puntland troops are outside the town the Minister toured two days ago.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
What can you guys do about it laakin you can keep dreaming of unity it wont happen

Who said anything about unity it is clear now that unity in the form of governance ain't it. Howevet a unity in the matter of millitary (each state has its own army) and economic (in matters like free trading) can happen. The nature of regions is to out compete each other. Why not use it to our advantage and use the money that will come with it to liberate the remaining somali territories and join us in this confederation.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Snm attacked and had 2 issaq killed. Then they called dhulos reinforcements and had 6 dhulos killed. 2 reer xaaji were killed as well. Reinforcements came from yuube and dhahar. They tried to sneak attack when he was in yuube 2 days ago but were fended off By PL soliders.
Most people just jump to conclusions.
The place the Dhulos attacked, is it shared degaan or settled by only Warsans?
You don’t know anything about Sanaag and the clan demographics, anyone from the area knows that Damale Hagare is a shared town between Dhulos and Warsangelis.

8 killed is nothing more than dhabacy*o propaganda.

If you think you can conquer the native land of SSC from its native inhabitants then think again. I would have thought that your 5x defeats in Tukaraq at the hands of the Jamac Siyad militia would have taught you a lesson by now.

We will continue expelling you.
The 8 killed might be true keep in mind the pl fighting are probably from taleex district or boocame not these mj considering the death total on mjland side :pachah1:
As long as groups in taleex associate with these ungrateful garbage they will always slither in sool/sanaag.
Dhulos who associate with mj have iq lower than room temperature:snoop:
Unfortunately me and you are related to these failures :snoop:
We're in a shitty predictment where we hate who we associate with and they hate us but are stuck because of garbage elders<-------- who become defacto militia leaders the day we exterminate them the better.
We're the only dhulos/somali stupid enough to die in place we don't live on ex. af urur/garacad/gaalkayo what ever the shit hole this thread is about:camby:
Look at me I survived multiple battles in the frontline yet @Reiko never kisses below the belt:camby:
I didn't know that but isn't it funny Puntland ministers are all the way in Taleex opening schools while they are being attacked at their home town only 100 miles from Qardho, it shows how weak and unreliable Warsans are than Dhulos.:nahgirl:

@Suldaanka loool:cryinglaughsmiley:
Why is your uncle hiding in my village
Tell him the frontlines is 50 miles north friend :cryinglaughsmiley:
How is karaash vp while his relatives in sanaag chase ministers from pl:cryinglaughsmiley:
Dhulos are the funniest group:cryinglaughsmiley:
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