3 drunk Pakistani girls run over two Somali old men in Qudhunham

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Jet life till my next life
Just heard there were 2 gangs shooting and chasing each other in that same place by the masjid today. One of the guys got shot in the balls lol.

You mean kitchen knives? Reer UK don't play with guns, ya makin it seem like its chitown


. . .
You mean kitchen knives? Reer UK don't play with guns, ya makin it seem like its chitown
They have guns here too but it's not as common. My sis was taking the bus the other day and there was a guy with a gun at the back all casual
Eid Mubarak I am turning off my phone, I know who i am spending it with kids & Mother. Good luck Birmingham sweethearts Xx
P.s remember I am psychic..
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