3 seperate somali republics

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You will never see Sharif sakin without the Ethiopian flag around him, plus his state is teaching Amhara language in schools and even the traders used to pay Ethiopian soldiers tax. Also he is uneducated man barely got high school diploma. Shramarke is not better!!!

how do you know it's between him and Sharmarke? Where do you get updates
I am waiting for the day the average Somali exacts revenge on all these traitors. When they come with torches and pitch forks. A day of reckoning.

That'll be the day. You see how Somali people protest and are on the front lines it shows they have it in them, just not for anything Somali related :gnzbryw:


Keepin Southies in check since 1998
Somalia is a failed colonial project. Puntland doesn't need the psychotic South.
With our strategic location, superior diaspora, we can turn the Republic of Puntland into African version of Singapore or Israel!

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Somalia should just split up anyways. The south has done anything for last 25 years and now al shabaab still relevent when they could just get wiped out with ease. I think al shabaab still surviving cause someone in the higher up wants em to.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Somalia should just split up anyways. The south has done anything for last 25 years and now al shabaab still relevent when they could just get wiped out with ease. I think al shabaab still surviving cause someone in the higher up wants em to.
Warya stop the trolling. Also that display pic really doesn't help your case. You'll be Harari forever now. :siilaanyolaugh:
Barre is the reason we're in this mess to begin with. When he took over, qabilism was at an all time low. After he was done, it was at an all time high.
The mistakes Barre made was giving these koonfur xoolos education, building koonfur but not building any other parts of the country and stripping weapons and ammunition from MJ. Had he made sure at least two of these didn't happen then civil war would have not taken place.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
This idea is biggest treason!
I will never accept anything else than Centralism.

I believe in strong central govt that rules every house in hargeisa till goobweyne.


:drakekidding::heh::kanyehmm::mybusiness::mjlaugh::mjkkk::qri8gs7::donkey:hebel qabil bla bla qabiil this qabiil that :fittytousand::faysalwtf::ileycry: okay enough... i hate yall summa es bernie mack voice:draketf::pacspit:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Cumar cabdirashid Cali Shar'marke will be our next president.

He's the only man who can take us out of this predicament that we find ourselves in, many MJ's despise him, unlike them he has my unwavering support lead us boqor to the promised land!
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