30 jir 30 million receives new job


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
That explains his tuug behavior being tolerated.
Black Guy Rap Battle GIF
You fockin langaab you could only dream to reach his level of landheernimo. A habargidir cayr taking about a qabil being tuugyaal. How ironic
I am literally Habar Gidir, Cayr, Ayaanle. I am not a tribalist but I will use my nepotism for the betterment of our Somali people. Imagine what we could do with a 30 million$ weapon purchase? We could smoke the ethnic langaabs expanding at our ethnic border. We need to supply weapons to the Karanle, the cisse, the garre and degodia.
You fockin langaab you could only dream to reach his level of landheernimo. A habargidir cayr talking about a qabil being tuugyaal. How ironic
Sxb I condemn my qabil. I am not a tribalist. I dont support my people in the evil. Check this thread out I made. Also you misundestood what I said. What I meant was that he comes from an influential qabil thus his clansmen turn an blind eye to the tuugnimo he does. Sxb the abgals are poor in Xamar, they the ones transporting stuff with the donkey.


