4 wives: Are you following the Sunnah or your lust?

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Polygamy is bad for society.

It creates instability long term. Better to have social norms against it as Westerners did.

I agree. In a perfect world. But secular economic and our religion encourages breeding extra babies
But when u grow old, the house will be empty. The children move out. U can clean your own studio apartment in granny days.

The point is, growing old together is a bit too much.

Basra, that is why you marry your bestie. You can travel together when the kids finally leave.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Basra, that is why you marry your bestie. You can travel together when the kids finally leave.

Sweety there is no 'bestie' in opposite sex marriage. Unless u r marrying a lesbian, like two women. The whole point of coupling is to unite two opposite. What kind of passion exist among besties? R u all going to schedule sex time like it buffet time or bingo times on sundays?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
The thing is back in the day there weren’t a limit on how many women a man could marry but Islam put a limit to 4 and also there where wars and many women became widows without a husband a woman would have to live in poverty if you did marry women who where widows or living in poverty it was seen as an act of charity

Nowadays there’s no wars in Europe or US nor is a person living in poverty I have nothing against polygamy but it’s a ugly sight to see a person who doesn’t have the means to take care of multiple households looking for single moms on welfare he can marry


Engineer of Qandala

Do they all have to be the same race tho, because then what is the point:browtf:
Polygamy was more practical and logical back in those days due to wars and poverty. Really, there is no need for a Muslim man in the West to take on 4 wives these days. Allah swt told us to be modest in everything. Taking 4 wives while living the west today can only be out of pure lust.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I don’t think I’d ever marry many women I’m more content with having 1 wife and a couple kids That I can raise and invest into their education Their success is gonna be sweeter than having 4 wives


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Imagine having one income and 4 wives and in 2 years they already given birth to 8 kids and 10 years later

You have 40 kids that you’re financially responsible for

He can be Jeff Bezos rich; i'm still not sharing him.

LOL, this reminds me, I have a friend (at that time already married, with children) that suggested to this girl to be his second wife. He was like; "Marry me, become my second hanuma. In the morning, the two of you sit down, drink coffee and discuss which one of you will go to the grocery store, which one of you will take care of the house and which one of you that gets to "make me happy" when I come home".





LOL, this reminds me, I have a friend (at that time already married, with children) that suggested to this girl to be his second wife. He was like; "Marry me, become my second hanuma. In the morning, the two of you sit down, drink coffee and discuss which one of you will go to the grocery store, which one of you will take care of the house and which one of you that gets to "make me happy" when I come home".

A sadistic prick is what your friend is.

@Abdurahman_somali can you even afford a girlfriend let alone a second wife?
Allah has made it halal however, Allah has also decreed that every wife is to be treated equally as does the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammed SAW.

Riddle me this;

  1. How does a poor or middle-class man afford to keep 4 wives and multiple children happy? Well fed? Clothed?
  2. Do you not want your children to have the best access to education, health care?
  3. Are you happy to stand in front of Allah on the day of judgement and stand by your decision to bring 4 wives and multiple children into poverty?
  4. Are you proud to say that you chose 4 wives because of your lust? Deep-down, do you believe it is halal?

If these 4 wife loving men were serious about following the Sunnah, they would follow the Sunnah and marry women based on their circumstances, not replace their wife with 3 young, nubile girls.

I find it sad to see 4 weak, poor families over 1 strong family with children who have the best access to everything.

I don't care if wealthy men do it, they have the money and the time to care for multiple homes.
Well if they prefer you to have more wives as a condition to marry them than what can one do

LOL, this reminds me, I have a friend (at that time already married, with children) that suggested to this girl to be his second wife. He was like; "Marry me, become my second hanuma. In the morning, the two of you sit down, drink coffee and discuss which one of you will go to the grocery store, which one of you will take care of the house and which one of you that gets to "make me happy" when I come home".

Rare women indeed that manage to find no matter how messed up i get loool


Allah is my provider and sustainer, even 4 women is not a problem financially (in the near future, not yet). One don't have to ne millionaire, you can also have a good regular salary.

The bigger problem is to be just to them and take responsibility for them and all your children.

I'll convert you into one woman kinda guy.
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