Can you post the proto-mota coordinate?What do you make of the proto-Mota coordinates that having been floating around somewhat recently. They produce far more accurate results than just Dinka does for Horn African runs. Compare below (Ancient Levantine = PPNB + Natufian, just for less of a clutterf***):
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View attachment 244945
If you pay closer attention to the run, you also see that the SNP, without proto-Mota, have their Mota balloon where Somalis have Dinka increase 5-fold. Sounds like a decent candidate for the AEA-like you refer to that likely was present in Awoowe Natufian however many thousands of years ago. But it gets better...
Turns out that proto-Mota also serves as a proxy for proto-Nilotic - Nilotic without the crypto West African, that is. See here:
View attachment 244959
Crypto-WA is not best modelled as Bantu, admixture event is likely very, very ancient (AHP likely). I figure that the crypto-WA is proto-Kordofanian/AHP offshoot of NC (pre-A-B split) that migrated east into proto-Mota territory rather than Sudanics having migrated from any further west than Chad and Darfur. Mostly due to lack of Sudanic genetic input in NC-A-B speakers.
View attachment 244946
Now, for when proto-Cushitics got our proto-Mota/proto-Nilotic, it would likely have been 1; we get the pulse of true Dinka at 5 while SPN get their true Mota at 6. This is ofc, if we are to take the G25 results at face value. I'm all ears (eyes?), what do you reckon?