5 dead Clan Beef Somali Region of Ethiopia

While humanity is planning on going to Mars we have clan beefs among somalis in the 21st century!

We have Somali tribal elders gathering under village trees to discuss which innocent member of a rival clan should they kill for the day's quota.

When is shit like this going to end? When will these people evolve and develop a brain?

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While humanity is planning on going to Mars we have clan beefs among somalis in the 21st century!

We have Somali tribal elders gather under village trees to discuss which innocent member of a rival clan should they kill for the day's quota.

When is shit like this going to end? When will these people evolve and develop a brain?

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you can say the exact same for 90% of this site :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Inside a Masjid? Subhanallah, that is unheard of
Bro clans do worser things in holy places of worship in the name of qabyaalad these people do not care when they desecrate holy sites these guys put their garaad/ugaaz over allah.
There was also clash between Dir and sheekhal last week that left 20 people dead in Mudug. Do you think this is happening because of climate change and lack of grazing land.
Usually what happens is someone kills another person from a different clan,the killer runs away and the elders don’t want to turn him then the rival clan retaliates and the whole thing escalates until a dozen people are killed it’s just low iq


Let him cook
There was also clash between Dir and sheekhal last week that left 20 people dead in Mudug. Do you think this is happening because of climate change and lack of grazing land.
Yes, Somalia didn’t contribute to global warming but we are impacted or maybe it’s just natural. Either way last 40 years plus been disaster. Even when we had govt it was droughts and climate disasters causing instability. Our population growing and resource scarce . Majority of beefs originate with nomads and reer miye who impacted hardest.