5 dead Clan Beef Somali Region of Ethiopia




Blaming cause of fighting on people in west fanning qabil flames. DDs said they will go after 6 people living abroad




why are u against qabiil which is honoured in quran and even Mohamed was a tribes man so were all the prophets of bani Israel, heck even Israel loves qabiil till this day to separate itself to feudal serfs with no identity in the world which they call goys and ppl who know their ancestors r known as Abraham's covenant.

Those tribes don't do abtirsi in the jungle which feudal culture try it's hardest to paint as tribal, listen even their holiest of holy religions were based on tribe.

I find Islam defence of tribe and bible is great evidence it's the best system not this 19th century racialism monkey shit like we have same hair or nose or skin tone ethno racialism, even lions separate into tribes no nonsense of we look the same let's unite. I hate nation state pagan goy ideas to unite ppl on racial or ethnic or language. Lions have same language they don't unite why should we?
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It raises my blood to boiling level we try to emulate qoy pagan feudalism republics, ppl who don't know who their ancestors were beyond their grandfathers r like animals n slaves and they unite like rats on superficial things like language or ethnic, these ppl r true pagans. Wallahi he doesn't even know anything beyond his grandfather these feudal.society, their stuck to economics n material gains like juj iyo majuj, food n materials unites them like petty animals, am.i lying @Omar del Sur


Blaming cause of fighting on people in west fanning qabil flames. DDs said they will go after 6 people living abroad

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Seems like cope as killers still loose in area from what I hear

why are u against qabiil which is honoured in quran and even Mohamed was a tribes man so were all the prophets of bani Israel, heck even Israel loves qabiil till this day to separate itself to feudal serfs with no identity in the world which they call goys and ppl who know their ancestors r known as Abraham's covenant.

Those tribes don't do abtirsi in the jungle which feudal culture try it's hardest to paint as tribal, listen even their holiest of holy religions were based on tribe.

I find Islam defence of tribe and bible is great evidence it's the best system not this 19th century racialism monkey shit like we have same hair or nose or skin tone ethno racialism, even lions separate into tribes no nonsense of we look the same let's unite. I hate nation state pagan goy ideas to unite ppl on racial or ethnic or language. Lions have same language they don't unite why should we?
Qabil has its uses but in modern Somalia it’s like bloods vs crips and ghetto gang culture. It’s people fighting over scraps to survive because they haven’t mastered land. Our ancestors made big mistake with land we living on it throttled our potential and we stuck . So we eat each other to survive in this harsh arid land. It bottled our potential and our creativity because all our energy expanded on survival. We stuck on red portion for 1 thousand years. Ancient Egypt and Rome developed because they reached purple stage and figured out food and basic needs



Seems like cope as killers still loose in area from what I hear

Qabil has its uses but in modern Somalia it’s like bloods vs crips and ghetto gang culture. It’s people fighting over scraps to survive because they haven’t mastered land. Our ancestors made big mistake with land we living on it throttled our potential and we stuck . So we eat each other to survive in this harsh arid land. It bottled our potential and our creativity because all our energy expanded on survival. We stuck on red portion for 1 thousand years. Ancient Egypt and Rome developed because they reached purple stage and figured out food and basic needs

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Needless economic development at the.expense of history, culture, religion is not workable dude. Even chinese till.today play the balancing act.of eat which is capitalism.but not at the expense of their communist system. Their leaders know its not worth trading off their history for ppl to go to shopping malls over petty products which end up in a land waste at the end.

I am not anti development but not at the expense of identity, culture, history and religion. What do the west have we don't? smart fones, cars, and maybe diverse foods? all.petty materials. Even the most rural.puntite has food, water, and livestocks(a surplus stock also), urban ppl have homes, energy, and food also. You really have to wonder sometimes what does the west have yes they get paid.more but they need to spend.more.to cover basics, what if ur paid less but u.spend less.to survive, the actual achievements r not much different at all at the civilian.level. Yes we r disabled due to infrastructure I agree there only.


Needless economic development at the.expense of history, culture, religion is not workable dude. Even chinese till.today play the balancing act.of eat which is capitalism.but not at the expense of their communist system. Their leaders know its not worth trading off their history for ppl to go to shopping malls over petty products which end up in a land waste at the end.

I am not anti development but not the expense of identity, culture, history and religion. What do the west have we don't? smart fones, cars, and maybe diverse foods? all.petty materials. Even the most rural.puntite has food, water, and livestocks(a surplus stock also), urban ppl have homes, energy, and food also. You really have to wonder sometimes what does the west have yes they get paid.more but they need to spend.more.to cover basics, what if ur paid less but u.spend less.to survive, the actual achievements r not much different at all at the civilian.level. Yes we r disabled due to infrastructure I agree there only.
People in puntland struggling like rest of Somalia most have no jobs or way to move up . Puntland hasn’t even mastered roads and cheap electricity. People survive on remittance and looking to move abroad .

West has everything millions of huge trees rich soil water everywhere. Huge reserves of oil gas and precious metals. Free school good health care roads electricity welfare safety welfare . It’s not close difference between west and Somalia. I don’t even blame govt because 1 billion budget for land our size Pennies


People in puntland struggling like rest of Somalia most have no jobs or way to move up . Puntland hasn’t even mastered roads and cheap electricity. People survive on remittance and looking to move abroad .

West has everything millions of huge trees rich soil water everywhere. Huge reserves of oil gas and precious metals. Free school good health care roads electricity welfare safety welfare . It’s not close difference between west and Somalia. I don’t even blame govt because 1 billion budget for land our size Pennies

I know we struggling with social(education n health) and physical infrastructure(roads, energy, ports, airport, etc) due to ppl not working and contributing taxes. I didn't dispute that. But the average Western may get 5k a.month buts it's gone 4k on basic survival like rent,.mortgage, food, utilities, fuel, etc their not doing much better at all.

Where your mistaken is you think puntites r starving which their not, even rural.ppl have excess livestock stock which they export and get 1k.for.camel at gulf.prices and that's rural.ppl, infact them and the frankincense, fishery, and gold.miners are the only.productive industries, the urban setting has high unemployment because our stupid govt doesn't stop silly hotels which doesn't benefit the wider economy thru large employment like this garacad fishery multiplex investment. But our ppl r not starving and urban areas.do.get electricity,.water, internet access and even its spreading out to.tuulos.

This guy spat on @Libaax-Joore adeer(who r not liked in PL) due to their caqli yari investing in petty buildings, buildings don't generate wealth if you don't have machines inside it and producing a product. Most truck drivers use localised accomodations not fancy hotels and we don't have tourist or diaspora using it either, but his muse suldan thinking faan trumps facts. War warshad samayso u make more.money thru a goods and u also.employ many ppl who help the market grow as a whole including tax revenues increasing.

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I know we struggling with social(education n health) and physical infrastructure(roads, energy, ports, airport, etc) due to ppl not working and contributing taxes. I didn't dispute that. But the average Western may get 5k a.month buts it's gone 4k on basic survival like rent,.mortgage, food, utilities, fuel, etc their not doing much better at all.

Where your mistaken is you think puntites r starving which their not, even rural.ppl have excess livestock stock which they export and get 1k.for.camel at gulf.prices and that's rural.ppl, infact them and the frankincense, fishery, and gold.miners are the only.productive industries, the urban setting has high unemployment because our stupid govt doesn't stop silly hotels which doesn't benefit the wider economy thru large employment like this garacad fishery multiplex investment. But our ppl r not starving and urban areas.do.get electricity,.water, internet access and even its spreading out to.tuulos.

This guy spat on @Libaax-Joore adeer(who r not liked in PL) due to their caqli yari investing in petty buildings, buildings don't generate wealth if you don't have machines inside it and producing a product. Most truck drivers use localised accomodations not fancy hotels and we don't have tourist or diaspora using it either, but his muse suldan thinking faan trumps facts. War warshad samayso u make more.money thru a goods and u also.employ many ppl who help the market grow as a whole including tax revenues increasing.

Bro west and Somalia standard of living not comparable. The median American family worth 192k. The average salary 60k. Soldiers back home make like 300 dollars to fight wars and get no benefits and people still dream of getting those couple hundred dollars even with danger because of lack of options. Somalia terrible place to live in every metric


Bro west and Somalia standard of living not comparable. The median American family worth 192k. The average salary 60k. Soldiers back home make like 300 dollars to fight wars and get no benefits and people still dream of getting those couple hundred dollars even with danger because of lack of options. Somalia terrible place to live in every metric
Wrong bro in.America blue collar workers which is around 80 million live pay check to pay check which means covering their basic standards of.living which puntites can do. It doesn't matter if they get 1.million dollar per per person if cost of living is 900k to achieve the same basic living of a puntite. Money isn't a measure it's about what it can get u not the actual number matters, heck Zimbabwe has trillion dollar notes also but it don't matter as it doesn't get them.anything which is called.purchasing power.


@Hilmaam be honest if u took away govt in the west who fund healthcare n infrastructure n education n security what wud be left, ppl.living in homes just.like.puntites and spending on utilities n groceries, they not better off at all.at a.civilian.level. Don't look at the quantities of their notes either lol, it doesn't get them.much.more then an avg puntite with less.notes.

their govt is superior only due to how it invests in public.areas which all.our govts.dont.



The poor kids in Somalia think their is better life financially in the west which is greatest lie ever told. That's why most seniors return to Somalia. Listen even if u get 1 billion dollars.per person in the west, what's the point if covering your basic needs is 950 million 😆

That's where their scammed by diaspora who feed them.lies about the west who has effective govt who invest in public areas to.make.it look wealthy but that's all.image shit, their avg person doesn't have much .ore then the average.somali. Only difference is quantity of notes not the actual.purchasing power n standard.of.living.



The biggest difference is in govt and its focus, the west focus on ceebtooda la qariyo lol which is their poor, they focus on lifting them up thru employment and public services where as Somalis focus on the rich which is backwards a rich person doesn't need help and ignore their poor who u shud invest in and lift up as that's what being measured to praise and insult govts.


@Hilmaam be honest if u took away govt in the west who fund healthcare n infrastructure n education n security what wud be left, ppl.living in homes just.like.puntites and spending on utilities n groceries, they not better off at all.at a.civilian.level. Don't look at the quantities of their notes either lol, it doesn't get them.much.more then an avg puntite with less.notes.

their govt is superior only due to how it invests in public.areas which all.our govts.dont.
you are like 1%in America saying poor have roof and iPhones 😆. U need to visit back home people don’t do shit except survive off money sent. Go and try find jobs there are none and they all pay in hundreds a month with everything expensive because we don’t produce anything



The poor kids in Somalia think their is better life financially in the west which is greatest lie ever told. That's why most seniors return to Somalia. Listen even if u get 1 billion dollars.per person in the west, what's the point if covering your basic needs is 950 million 😆

That's where their scammed by diaspora who feed them.lies about the west who has effective govt who invest in public areas to.make.it look wealthy but that's all.image shit, their avg person doesn't have much .ore then the average.somali. Only difference is quantity of notes not the actual.purchasing power n standard.of.living.
That’s 100% accurate me and you are sheltered every time I visit Africa even better place like Kenya I’m shocked how poor people are. Somalia Kenya and most of sub Saharan Africa is hell hole. Somalia I even struggle to find trash cans and walk miles before I find place to throw stuff away. What’s jobs available to kids . In west you can speak no English no education and get warehouse job for 20 dollars an hour and earn close to 60k. Share place with like 4 guys and you can stack money. Somalia u can be brilliant and still not earn 10k a year
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