5 year old girl thrown off a high rise building in Muqdisho


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Same punishment should be given to the culprits once found. Or throw to a crocodile in the river.

He was apparently released on bond by some family members. I pray the victim’s family receives swift justice. Chuck this creature off a roof then take him to tiirka.


People back home worship their qabil. It's the only reason why they don't outright hang, draw and quarter mosters like this. AUN to the poor girl but genuinely f*ck this nation if it can't even protect children.
Somalia is a rotten country full of rotten people now just wait till the man's qabil start defending him.

Somalia's whole system needs to be dismantled like a building and built a new. If only we had a Mao Zedong to civilize and reeducate these people.


Somalia is a rotten country full of rotten people now just wait till the man's qabil start defending him.

Somalia's whole system needs to be dismantled like a building and built a new. If only we had a Mao Zedong to civilize and reeducate these people.
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A lot of people gotta die for the betterment of the state. I support a somali cultural revolution, put these fools in re-education camps now
People back home worship their qabil. It's the only reason why they don't outright hang, draw and quarter mosters like this. AUN to the poor girl but genuinely f*ck this nation if it can't even protect children.
Somalia needs intense re education, similar to Facist policies.

Anyone caught sympathising or being a part of Al Shabaab gets beheaded publicly, for example. In general, Draconian law to enforce goodness
Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajicuun... ilahay ha u naxariisto, very tragic. If this pathetic excuse of a government can't do anything about the killers may God punish the ones who did this.
Somalis are fucked wallahi so because of qabil they are letting a child molester go whatever happened to looking out for children these people are letting rapists, and murderers go they have no morals
We can blame the gov as much as we want but this is a cultural issue. The Somalis have the type of government they currently deserve. Our dawlad is a reflection of the people.

Predictably his family will probably try and support him via paying his Diya on his behalf despite his attempt to r-word and murder. Depending on his qabil and background, the family will be coerced to accept or maybe they’re in poverty?

Same old nightmare.