65 per cent of British black Caribbean women are single, 59 per cent have never married


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Black British women experience a reverse gender pay gap, holding higher-paying roles and achieving higher educational attainment than Black British men. Demanding marriage or practicing chastity doesn’t inherently improve the quality of available partners, as these practices don't change potential prospects' character, compatibility, or emotional maturity. Additionally, an anticipated decline in single motherhood and an increase in child-free living among Caribbean British women may foster greater financial stability. With distinct sub-cultural worldviews, religious orientations, social mores, and norms, it makes little sense to bring Somalis, especially Somali women, into this discussion. Many women remain single, not due to a lack of men, but because they prioritize personal growth, careers, or self-fulfillment, particularly when prospects are otherwise unsuitable. It seems the women in the article were limiting themselves to religious men (church attendees) or those within their denomination, Seventh Day Adventist, as that was their priority.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
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Those are Black English. They have as much link to Jamaica as an Italian/Lebanese/Irish Americans who live across US, yes they occasional reference their great-grandparents ancestry but they have never been there, their culture has adapted and is nothing like their ancestors and they are firmly rooted in the land.

I think this is more of a broader topic on identity though between US and Europeans/UK migrants.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
So sad while black men are desirable to white women the opposite is not happening leaving black women behind. They are the Indians of the female gender. Its tragic💔
I can assure you black men whith an urban/inner city accent are desirable to all groups of women

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Those are Black English. They are have as much link to Jamaica as an Italian/Lebanese/Irish Americans who live across US, yes they occasional reference their great-grandparents ancestry but they have never been their, their culture has adapted and is nothing like their ancestors and they are firmly rooted in the land.

I think this is more of a broader topic on identity though between US and Europeans/UK migrants.
The key difference is that America is a nation of immigrants so they will always be seen as American while immigrants in Europe will always be considered “foreign”even if they bootlick whites like that Hirsi woman
Black British women experience a reverse gender pay gap, holding higher-paying roles and achieving higher educational attainment than Black British men. Demanding marriage or practicing chastity doesn’t inherently improve the quality of available partners, as these practices don't change potential prospects' character, compatibility, or emotional maturity. Additionally, an anticipated decline in single motherhood and an increase in child-free living among Caribbean British women may foster greater financial stability. With distinct sub-cultural worldviews, religious orientations, social mores, and norms, it makes little sense to bring Somalis, especially Somali women, into this discussion. Many women remain single, not due to a lack of men, but because they prioritize personal growth, careers, or self-fulfillment, particularly when prospects lack emotional maturity or are otherwise unsuitable. It seems the women in the article were limiting themselves to religious men (church attendees) or those within their denomination, Seventh Day Adventist, as that was their priority.
Another aspect people aren’t talking about is that black Caribbean men simply don’t marry even when they’re with women from different backgrounds.

Statistically, mixed raced children in the UK with black fathers especially Caribbean have the highest rates of single family homes and the lowest marriages rates of parents that surpasses mono-racial black children.

People wondering why these women don’t marry is futile if you don’t take into account that their men simply don’t marry and it doesn’t matter the race of the woman in question. This is a cultural issue rather than a desirability one.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Caribbeans don’t have a culture of marriage, if you look up the stats of their men you’ll say they too hardly marry compared to the general population.

Comparing them to Somalis is silly. Unless Somalis become gaal or near enough gaal over night, our marriage rates will always be high since we can’t have intimacy or kids outside of marriage.

If madow men weren’t able to get access to their women unless they put a ring on it, most of their women would be married. These women are still having children and intimacy. Somalis on the other hand due to Islam and our culture think it is socially taboo and downright immoral for people to have sex and children outside of wedlock. Most women at least publicly comply and as do the men.

Big difference. Also, it’s not black women, white women aren’t even getting married as much either, people are simply cohabiting more.
i’ve met some conservative jamaican men who grew up there and advocate for the nuclear family so i wonder what happened. maybe it’s a religous thing where the very spiritual advocate it or it’s a millennial or class thing
Some pretty insane stats. Black African aren't too different, and probably diaspora Somalis will follow similar trends in a decade or two.

So are you telling me keyshia is a incel in UK ? :chrisfreshhah:
Lonely Emma Pillsbury GIF


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Another aspect people aren’t talking about is that black Caribbean men simply don’t marry even when they’re with women from different backgrounds.

Statistically, mixed raced children in the UK with black fathers especially Caribbean have the highest rates of single family homes and the lowest marriages rates of parents that surpasses mono-racial black children.

People wondering why these women don’t marry is futile if you don’t take into account that their men simply don’t marry and it doesn’t matter the race of the woman in question. This is a cultural issue rather than a desirability one.
You’re right in that some are very lax about cohabitation and births outside of marriage. I suspect there is a class component to this.
You know how they say that Japan doesn't "have sex" -- I did a weak investigation into how much contraceptives are used, abortion rates, STD numbers, etc., and found the values are the same as a Western country. So, people being single is not a sign of them not having sex. It's just that people are having one-night stands without the baggage, or should we say, in more fitting terms, responsibility. In Japan, hedonism has spiked up, people might be lonely but many are having sex often for pleasure-seeking only.

It's bad for society when hedonistic pleasure-seeking overtakes familial commitment and conviction.

Metaphorically put, the baggage of individual activity turns into a societal bubble.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
The women are like 15% more likely to pass their GCSEs too. I wonder why their women never talk about it. Xalimos used to kick up a fuss over a lot less
because some believe they are in perpetual competition with men and drunk the black girl magic koolaid.

Luckily i don’t see the rhetoric as much but few years ago they use to be uppity about being enrolled in university more when the same trend is consistent in every race across the board.


You know how they say that Japan doesn't "have sex" -- I did a weak investigation into how much contraceptives are used, abortion rates, STD numbers, etc., and found the values are the same as a Western country. So, people being single is not a sign of them not having sex. It's just that people are having one-night stands without the baggage, or should we say, in more fitting terms, responsibility. In Japan, hedonism has spiked up, people might be lonely but many are having sex often for pleasure-seeking only.

It's bad for society when hedonistic pleasure-seeking overtakes familial commitment and conviction.

Metaphorically put, the baggage of individual activity turns into a societal bubble.
The only real difference between Japan and the West is that the West tolerates out of wedlock births.
Even when they are married loads of Jamaican men have secret children.

I know some Somalis who work in care service and they tell me Jamaican men have a habit of their unknown children and families turning up when the man dies and the assets needed to be divided.

This shows you monogamy is a European institution enforced on African men and polygamy is the natural order of things.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Black women in general are the least desirable group of women on planet earth. Black women equivalent among men would probably be Indian men. But atleast Indian men get arranged marriages and tend to have long lasting marriages and they understand the importance of the family unit

