6ix9ine Says Mexicans Run America

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You can't run from this :trumpsmirk:
A Map drawn by Gaalos is the least of my concerns f*ck the international community they can all suck my sheikh isaaq dick
I agree. I believe it would be better to separate but you shouldn't be hating on Somalia
:trumpsmirk:Somaliland can do it's own thing and we'll do ours. There shouldn't be hatred
I dont hate you lot i love Somalia but i hate the goverment for not giving us recognition like what do you want from us this is our land just let us go on our way
Same for us Somalis in Toronto/London cause they wouldn't be the same without our influences.. People hatin on us 24/7 but they still go to Somali restaurants and use Somali slangs.

I don't ever rep Canada i'm very proud to be Somali, have a culture and language/know my roots. God bless Somaliland , Somalia, Djibouti, and Somali people :it0tdo8:



Make Hobyo Great Again
These bloody beaners have been trying to get into Canada as well. They can keep their cartels and qasadiyas in America.
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