90 Day Fiance Exposing Muslim Men’s Hypocrisy


East Africa UNUKA LEH
(SOME) Muslim Men’s Hypocrisy. He tells his White American Non-Muslim Wife that she can’t wear Western Swimwear and she wears a Burkini. She abides. She asks why he is only in Swim Trunks and tells him to put on a shirt but he gets mad and calls her an idiot. Islamically, even though she doesn’t know, she’s right. A man can’t just wear swim trunks publicly like a westerner because his awrah is still exposed. He needs to cover up more.
In another case, he told her she can’t handshake her male friends hand and then he goes and handshakes her female friend’s hand and she gets mad over the double standard.
Mind you she’s the Gaal Westerner and he is the Arab Muslim. Islamically, you can’t marry someone with different beliefs and mindset and then expect them to change for you. But then you have one who does and then you get mad when she tells you to follow Islam properly too.
He even tells her “You knew who I was when you married me” like you knew she was a gaal American sir


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The twice-emancipated 42-year-old Tigerlilly is pregnant with her third child, which she shares with the 22-year-old Adnan. Mission accomplished: baby trap laid for sharci.
I wont forget how this one yt lady came to i think egypt and the man was living with his mom. They were allowed to share a bed together. After waking up the mom was in the kitchen cooking. How akwardddd(they were not married and it was 90 day fiance).
You should learn a new recipe for every bad reality show you watch.

Please don't treat the fake content like it's a documentary and pretend you're a social anthropologist picking up insight.:ftw9nwa:
Blame also has to be on these desperate women for thinking just cause they're westerners these men will overnight change for them. They knew what they were signing up for. These couples have no depth and both sides are using each other. I don't think these women even see the fully humanity of these men. Honestly think they find these men attractive but can't find men in the states that look like that who will want them.

There's an ayah in surah al-Baqarah about this.
It's hilarious when they expose their hypocrisy. This man had the chance to convert a non-Muslim woman, but she sees how he likes to live as a gaal, but wants to use Islam as a tool to control her. If it was out of fear of Allah SWT, he'd also follow the rules.

There are a loud number of Muslim men act like Islam is there to control women, not to worship Allah SWT. That's why their favourite islamic topics revolve around telling women what to do and what to wear, not telling men to lower their gaze and stop consuming c0rn. Don't even get me started on how many of them walk around barely covered up, when they play sports, go to the beach etc.

They're no different to non-Muslim men, when it comes to the obsession with subjugating women.

They enjoy the Patriarchal world and have used their strength to subjugate women, let them enjoy their short time on earth. The day of judgement is going to be satisfying for all the women who have been abused by these insecure weirdos.
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