well yes
Mohamed abdu? Ok tasteeeI don't have Spotify but my favorite singers are many 1 Drake 2 Nas 3 Future 4 Tupac 5 Majid Al Mohandes 6 Abadi Al Johar 7 Mohammed Abdu 8 Kendrick
Wtf is this ??
They are rappers not singersI don't have Spotify but my favorite singers are many 1 Drake 2 Nas 3 Future 4 Tupac 5 Majid Al Mohandes 6 Abadi Al Johar 7 Mohammed Abdu 8 Kendrick
So besides Em, Logic and Posty all you bump is cadaan rappers huhSxb no post Malone or Eminem or Logic
Hey don't stereotype me Logic is now black. I feel offendedSo besides Em, Logic and Posty all you bump is cadaan rappers huh